Source code for haddock.clis.cli_analyse

Analyse a set of steps of a run.

Considering the example run::



    haddock3-analyse -r <run_dir> -m <num_modules>
    haddock3-analyse -r run1 -m 1 3

Where, ``-m 1 3`` means that the analysis will be performed on ``1_rigidbody``
 and ``3_flexref``.
import argparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from haddock import log
from haddock.clis.cli_unpack import main as haddock3_unpack
from haddock.clis.cli_clean import main as haddock3_clean
from haddock.core.defaults import INTERACTIVE_RE_SUFFIX
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.gear.yaml2cfg import read_from_yaml_config
from haddock.gear.clean_steps import _unpack_gz
from haddock.libs.libcli import _ParamsToDict
from haddock.libs.libio import archive_files_ext
from haddock.libs.libontology import ModuleIO
from haddock.libs.libplots import (
from haddock.modules import get_module_steps_folders
from haddock.modules.analysis.caprieval import DEFAULT_CONFIG as caprieval_params
from haddock import modules_defaults_path
from haddock.modules.analysis.caprieval import HaddockModule

ANA_FOLDER = "analysis"  # name of the analysis folder
INTER_STR = INTERACTIVE_RE_SUFFIX  # suffix of interactive analysis folders

[docs]def get_cluster_ranking(capri_clt_filename: FilePath, top_cluster: int) -> ClRank: """ Get capri cluster ranking. Parameters ---------- capri_clt_filename : str or Path capri cluster filename top_cluster : int Number of clusters to be considered Returns ------- cl_ranking : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary """ cl_ranking: ClRank = {} dfcl = read_capri_table(capri_clt_filename) for n in range(min(top_cluster, dfcl.shape[0])): cl_ranking[dfcl["cluster_id"].iloc[n]] = dfcl["caprieval_rank"].iloc[n] return cl_ranking
[docs]def update_paths( capri_ss_filename: FilePath, toch: str = "../", toadd: str = "../../" ) -> None: """ Update paths in capri_ss_filename. Parameters ---------- capri_ss_filename : str or Path capri ss filename toch : str string to be replaced toadd : str string to be added """ new_lines: list[str] = [] with open(capri_ss_filename, "r") as rfile: for ln in rfile: new_ln = ln.replace(toch, toadd) new_lines.append(new_ln) with open(capri_ss_filename, "w") as wfile: for ln in new_lines: wfile.write(ln) return
# Command line interface parser ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="haddock3-analyse", description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) ap.add_argument( "-r", "--run-dir", help="The input run directory.", required=True, ) ap.add_argument( "-m", "--modules", nargs="+", help="The number of the steps to copy.", required=True, type=int, ) ap.add_argument( "-t", "--top_cluster", help="The number of clusters to show.", required=False, type=int, default=10, ) ap.add_argument( "--format", help="produce images in the desired format", required=False, type=str, default=None, choices=["png", "pdf", "svg", "jpeg", "webp"], ) ap.add_argument( "--scale", help="scale for images", required=False, type=float, default=1.0 ) ap.add_argument( "--inter", help="interactive analysis", required=False, type=bool, default=False ) ap.add_argument( "--is_cleaned", help="is the directory going to be cleaned?", required=False, type=bool, default=False ) ap.add_argument( "--offline", help="Should plots js functions be self-contained?", required=False, type=bool, default=False ) ap.add_argument( "-p", "--other-params", dest="other_params", help=( "Any other parameter of the `caprieval` module." "For example: -p reference_fname target.pdb." "You can give any number of parameters." ), action=_ParamsToDict, default={}, nargs="*", ) def _ap() -> ArgumentParser: return ap
[docs]def load_args(ap: ArgumentParser) -> Namespace: """Load argument parser args.""" return ap.parse_args()
[docs]def cli(ap: ArgumentParser, main: Callable[..., None]) -> None: """Command-line interface entry point.""" cmd = vars(load_args(ap)) kwargs = cmd.pop("other_params") main(**cmd, **kwargs)
[docs]def maincli() -> None: """Execute main client.""" cli(ap, main)
[docs]def run_capri_analysis(step: str, run_dir: FilePath, capri_dict: ParamMap, is_cleaned: bool) -> None: """ Run the caprieval analysis. Parameters ---------- step : str step name run_dir : str or Path path to run directory capri_dict : dict capri dictionary of parameters """ # retrieve json file with all information io = ModuleIO() filename = Path("..", f"{step}/io.json") io.load(filename) # unpack the files if they are compressed if is_cleaned: default_general_params = read_from_yaml_config(modules_defaults_path) path_to_unpack = io.output[0].path haddock3_unpack(path_to_unpack, ncores=default_general_params["ncores"]) # create capri caprieval_module = HaddockModule( order=1, path=Path(run_dir), initial_params=caprieval_params, ) caprieval_module.update_params(**capri_dict) # update model info caprieval_module.previous_io = io # run capri module caprieval_module._run() # compress files if they should be compressed if is_cleaned: haddock3_clean(path_to_unpack, ncores=default_general_params["ncores"])
[docs]def update_capri_dict(default_capri: ParamDict, kwargs: ParamMap) -> ParamDict: """ Update capri dictionary. Parameters ---------- default_capri : dict default capri dictionary of parameters kwargs : dict dictionary of input elements Returns ------- capri_dict : dict updated capri dictionary of parameters """ capri_dict = default_capri.copy() for param in kwargs: if param not in default_capri: sys.exit( f"* ERROR * Parameter {param!r} is not a valid `caprieval` parameter" ) # noqa:E501 else: if param.endswith("fname"): # using full path for files rel_path = Path(kwargs[param]) _param = rel_path.resolve() kwargs[param] = _param capri_dict[param] = kwargs[param]"setting {param} to {kwargs[param]}") return capri_dict
[docs]def update_paths_in_capri_dict( capri_dict: ParamDict, target_path: FilePath ) -> ParamDict: """ Make capri_dict specific to target_path. Parameters ---------- capri_dict : dict capri dictionary of parameters target_path : Path path to the output folder Returns ------- new_capri_dict : dict target_path-specific capri dictionary of parameters """ new_capri_dict = capri_dict.copy() for key in new_capri_dict: if key.endswith("fname") and new_capri_dict[key] not in ["", None]: try: ref_path = Path(target_path, "reference.pdb") shutil.copy(new_capri_dict[key], ref_path) new_capri_dict[key] = Path("reference.pdb") except FileNotFoundError: sys.exit(f"file not found {new_capri_dict[key]}") return new_capri_dict
[docs]def zip_top_ranked(capri_filename: FilePath, cluster_ranking: ClRank, summary_name: FilePath) -> None: """ Zip the top ranked structures. Parameters ---------- cluster_ranking : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary ss_file : str or Path capri ss filename Returns ------- output_zipfile : str or Path path to the zipped file """ capri_df = read_capri_table(capri_filename, comment="#") gb_cluster = capri_df.groupby("cluster_id") for cl_id, cl_df in gb_cluster: if cl_id in cluster_ranking.keys(): if cl_id != "-": structs = cl_df.loc[cl_df["model-cluster_ranking"] <= 4][["model", "model-cluster_ranking"]] else: structs = cl_df.loc[cl_df["caprieval_rank"] <= 10][["model", "caprieval_rank"]] structs.columns = ["model", "rank"] # iterate over the structures for _, row in structs.iterrows(): struct = Path(row["model"]) struct_gz = Path(f"{struct}.gz") rank = row["rank"] # set target name if cl_id != "-": target_name = f"cluster_{cluster_ranking[cl_id]}_model_{rank}.pdb" else: target_name = f"model_{rank}.pdb" # copy the structure if Path(struct).exists(): shutil.copy(struct, Path(target_name)) elif struct_gz.exists(): shutil.copy(struct_gz, ".") # unpack the file _unpack_gz(Path(".", shutil.move(, Path(target_name)) else: log.warning(f"structure {struct} not found") # now make the archive and delete the pdb files archive_files_ext(".", "pdb") for file in Path(".").glob("*.pdb"): file.unlink() # move archive to summary expected_archive = Path(".", "pdb.tgz") if expected_archive.exists(): shutil.move("pdb.tgz", summary_name)"Summary archive {summary_name} created!") else: log.warning(f"Summary archive {summary_name} not created!")
[docs]def analyse_step( step: str, run_dir: FilePath, capri_dict: ParamDict, target_path: Path, top_cluster: int, format: Optional[ImgFormat], scale: Optional[float], is_cleaned: Optional[bool], offline: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Analyse a step. If the step is a caprieval step, use the available capri files. Otherwise, launch a capri analysis. Parameters ---------- step : str step name run_dir : str or Path path to run directory capri_dict : dict capri dictionary of parameters target_path : Path path to the output folder top_cluster : int Number of clusters to be considered format : str Produce images in the selected format. scale : int scale for images. """"Analysing step {step}") target_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) step_name = step.split("_")[1] ss_fname = Path(run_dir, f"{step}/capri_ss.tsv") clt_fname = Path(run_dir, f"{step}/capri_clt.tsv") if step_name != "caprieval": if ss_fname.exists() and clt_fname.exists():"step {step} has caprieval data, files are available") run_capri = False else: capri_dict = update_paths_in_capri_dict(capri_dict, target_path) run_capri = True else:"step {step} is caprieval, files should be already available") run_capri = False if run_capri == False: shutil.copy(ss_fname, target_path) shutil.copy(clt_fname, target_path) os.chdir(target_path) # if the step is not caprieval, caprieval must be run if run_capri == True: run_capri_analysis(step, run_dir, capri_dict, is_cleaned)"CAPRI files identified") # plotting ss_file = Path("capri_ss.tsv") clt_file = Path("capri_clt.tsv") if clt_file.exists(): cluster_ranking = get_cluster_ranking(clt_file, top_cluster) else: raise Exception(f"clustering file {clt_file} does not exist") if ss_file.exists():"Plotting results..") scatters = scatter_plot_handler( ss_file, cluster_ranking, format, scale, offline=offline, ) boxes = box_plot_handler( ss_file, cluster_ranking, format, scale, offline=offline, ) tables = clt_table_handler(clt_file, ss_file, is_cleaned) report_generator(boxes, scatters, tables, step) # provide a zipped archive of the top ranked structures zip_top_ranked(ss_file, cluster_ranking, Path("summary.tgz"))
[docs]def main( run_dir: FilePath, modules: list[int], top_cluster: int, format: Optional[ImgFormat], scale: Optional[float], inter: Optional[bool], is_cleaned: Optional[bool], offline: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Analyse CLI. Parameters ---------- run_dir : str or Path Path to the original run directory. modules : list of ints List of the integer prefix of the modules to copy. top_cluster : int Number of clusters to be considered. format : str Produce images in the selected format. scale : int scale for images. inter: bool analyse only steps labelled as 'interactive' """ log.level = 20 f"Running haddock3-analyse on {run_dir}, modules {modules}, " f"with top_cluster = {top_cluster}" ) ori_cwd = os.getcwd() # modifying the parameters default_capri = read_from_yaml_config(caprieval_params) capri_dict = update_capri_dict(default_capri, kwargs) os.chdir(run_dir) # Create analysis folder rundir_cwd = os.getcwd() outdir = Path(ANA_FOLDER) try: outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=False)"Created directory: {str(outdir.resolve())}") except FileExistsError: log.warning(f"Directory {str(outdir.resolve())} already exists.") # Reading steps"Reading input run directory") # get the module folders from the run_dir input sel_steps = get_module_steps_folders(Path("./"), modules) if inter: sel_steps = [st for st in sel_steps if st.endswith(INTER_STR)] else: sel_steps = [st for st in sel_steps if not st.endswith(INTER_STR)]"selected steps: {', '.join(sel_steps)}") # analysis good_folder_paths: list[Path] = [] bad_folder_paths: list[Path] = [] for step in sel_steps: subfolder_name = f"{step}_analysis" target_path = Path(Path("./"), subfolder_name) # check if subfolder is already present dest_path = Path(ANA_FOLDER, subfolder_name) if dest_path.exists(): if len(os.listdir(dest_path)) != 0 and not inter: log.warning( f"{dest_path} exists and is not empty. " "Skipping analysis..." ) continue else: # subfolder is empty or is interactive, remove it."Removing folder {dest_path}.") shutil.rmtree(dest_path) # run the analysis error = False try: analyse_step( step, Path("./"), capri_dict, target_path, top_cluster, format, scale, is_cleaned, offline=offline, ) except Exception as e: error = True log.warning( f"""Could not execute the analysis for step {step}. The following error occurred {e}""" ) if error: bad_folder_paths.append(target_path) else: good_folder_paths.append(target_path) # going back os.chdir(rundir_cwd) # moving files into analysis folder if good_folder_paths != []:"moving files to analysis folder") for directory in good_folder_paths: shutil.move(directory, outdir) if bad_folder_paths != []:"cancelling unsuccesful analysis folders") for directory in bad_folder_paths: if directory.exists(): shutil.rmtree(directory) # substituting the correct paths in the capri_ss files # after moving files into analysis folder for directory in good_folder_paths: ss_file = Path(outdir, directory, "capri_ss.tsv") if ss_file.exists():"updating paths in {ss_file}") update_paths(ss_file, "../", "../../") report_file = Path(outdir, directory, "report.html")"View the results in {report_file}") info_msg = ( "To view structures or download the structure files, " f"in a terminal run the command " f"`python -m http.server --directory {rundir_cwd}`. " "By default, http server runs on ``. " f"Open the link{report_file} " "in a web browser." ) os.chdir(ori_cwd) return
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(maincli()) # type: ignore