Source code for haddock.clis.cli_bm

Prepare HADDOCK3 benchmark configuration files and job scripts.

Creates HADDOCK3 configuration files and job files. Details on each
parameter are explained in the `-h` menu.

There's also a test flag that generates jobs only with `topology`
creation. This feature helps testing the `haddock3-dmn` client.

The state of the jobs is identified by a file tag:
    - DONE
    - FAIL

At start, all jobs have the AVAILABLE tag, and this tag is upgraded as
the job completes. To know which jobs are in each state, navigate to the
<output dir> and search for the tags, for example::

    find . -name AVAILABLE
    find . -name RUNNING
    find . -name DONE
    find . -name FAIL

Jobs are identified as FAIL if there are messages in the stderr file.

Finally, a daemon job file is created to facilitate the usage of the
daemon without directly using the `haddock3-dmn` client.


    haddock3-bm -h
    haddock3-bm <BM dir> <output dir> [OPTIONS]
    haddock3-bm <BM dir> <output dir> --workload-manager <option>
    haddock3-bm <BM dir> <output dir> --workload-manager <option> -n <num cores>
    haddock3-bm <BM dir> <output dir> --workload-manager <option> -n <num cores> -td

A `BM folder` is a folder with the characteristics of:

For more information read our benchmark tutorial at `docs/benchmark.tut`
in HADDOCK3 repository site:
"""  # noqa: E501
import argparse
import shutil
import string
import sys
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

from haddock import log
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.libs.libhpc import create_job_header_funcs

# first character allowed for benchmark test cases, we use digits and
# upper cases because we consider BM test cases folders are named after
# their PDBID code.
capital_and_digits = tuple(string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase)

# client helper functions
def _dir_path(path: FilePath) -> Path:
    path = Path(path)
    if not path.is_dir():
        _p = str(path.resolve())
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{_p!r} is not a directory.")
    return path

def _is_valid(
    f: Path, cap_and_dig: Union[str, tuple[str, ...]] = capital_and_digits
) -> bool:
    """Assert if directory is a valid model directory."""
    _is_valid = and f.is_dir()
    return _is_valid

[docs]def get_conda_path() -> Path: """Get conda source path.""" return Path(Path(sys.executable).parents[3], "etc", "profile.d", "")
[docs]def create_cfg_test_daemon( run_dir: FilePath, receptor_f: FilePath, ligand_f: FilePath, *ignore: Any, **everythinelse: Any, ) -> str: """ Create HADDOCK3 configuration file that only generates the topology. This function is usefull to use test the benchmark daemon. """ cfg_str = f""" run_dir = {str(run_dir)!r} ncores = 2 molecules = [ {str(receptor_f)!r}, {str(ligand_f)!r} ] [topoaa] """ return cfg_str
# FIXME: This should not be hardcoded here
[docs]def create_cfg_ti( run_dir: FilePath, receptor_f: FilePath, ligand_f: FilePath, ambig_f: FilePath, target_f: FilePath, ) -> str: """ Create HADDOCK3 configuration file for the first scenario. Parameters ---------- run_dir : path or str Path to the run directory; where run results will be saved. receptor_f : Path or str Absolute path pointing to the receptor PDB file. ligand_f : Path or str Absolute path pointing to the ligand PDB file. ambig_f : Path or str Absolute path pointing to the `ambig.tbl` file. Return ------ str The HADDOCK3 configuration file for benchmarking. """ cfg_str = f""" run_dir = {str(run_dir)!r} ncores = 48 molecules = [ {str(receptor_f)!r}, {str(ligand_f)!r} ] [topoaa] [rigidbody] ambig_fname = {str(ambig_f)!r} sampling = 1000 noecv = false [caprieval] reference = {str(target_f)!r} [seletop] select = 200 [flexref] ambig_fname = {str(ambig_f)!r} noecv = true [caprieval] reference = {str(target_f)!r} [mdref] ambig_fname = {str(ambig_f)!r} noecv = true [caprieval] reference = {str(target_f)!r} """ return cfg_str
[docs]def create_job( create_job_header: Callable[..., str], create_job_body: Callable[[FilePath, FilePath, FilePath], str], create_job_tail: Callable[[FilePath, FilePath, FilePath], str], job_name_prefix: str, scenario_name: str, job_name_suffix: str, queue_name: str, ncores: int, work_dir: Path, run_dir: Path, # config_file: FilePath, ) -> str: """ Create the job file. The jobs is created by assembling three parts: the job header, the body, and the final tail (post execution process). The different parameters will be injected in the respective job creation functions. Parameters ---------- create_job_header : callable The function that will create the header. create_job_body : callable The function that will create the job body. create_job_tail: callable The function that will create the job tail. job_name_prefix : str A prefix for the job name. Normally this is the name of the job test case, for example the PDB ID. Injected in `create_job_header`. scenario_name : str The name of the benchmark scenario. Injected in `create_job_header`. job_name_suffix : str An additional suffix for the job name. Normally, `BM5`. Injected in `create_job_header`. queue_name : str The name of the queue. Injected in `create_job_header`. ncores : int The number of cpu cores to use in the jobs. Injected in `create_job_header`. work_dir : pathlib.Path The working dir of the example. That is, the directory where `input`, `jobs`, and `logs` reside. Injected in `create_job_header`. run_dir : pathlib.Path The running directory of the scenario. config_file : pathlib.Path Path to the scenario configuration file. Injected in `create_job_body`. Returns ------- str The job file in the form of string. """ # create job header job_name = f"{job_name_prefix}-{scenario_name}-{job_name_suffix}" std_out = str(Path("logs", "haddock.out")) std_err = str(Path("logs", "haddock.err")) job_header = create_job_header( job_name, work_dir=work_dir, stdout_path=std_out, stderr_path=std_err, queue=queue_name, ncores=ncores, ) available_flag = str(Path(run_dir, "AVAILABLE")) running_flag = str(Path(run_dir, "RUNNING")) done_flag = str(Path(run_dir, "DONE")) fail_flag = str(Path(run_dir, "FAIL")) job_body = create_job_body(available_flag, running_flag, config_file) job_tail = create_job_tail(std_err, done_flag, fail_flag) return job_header + job_body + job_tail
[docs]def setup_haddock3_job( available_flag: FilePath, running_flag: FilePath, conf_f: FilePath ) -> str: """ Write body for the job script. Parameters ---------- available_flag : pathlib.Path Path where to generate the `AVAILABLE` file tag. Relative to the job header `workdir`. running_flag : pathlib.Path Path where to generate the `RUNNING` file tag. Relative to the job header `workdir`. conf_f : Path or str Path to the configuration file. Relative to the job header `workdir`. Returns ------- str The body of the job file. """ conda_sh = get_conda_path() job_body = f""" source {str(conda_sh)} conda activate haddock3 rm {str(available_flag)} touch {str(running_flag)} haddock3 {str(conf_f)} rm {str(running_flag)} """ return job_body
[docs]def process_job_execution_status( stderr: FilePath, done_tag: FilePath, fail_tag: FilePath ) -> str: """ Add execution status tail to job. If job completes properly adds `DONE`, else adds `FAIL`. Parameters ---------- done_tag : pathlib.Path Path where to generate the `DONE` file tag. Relative to the job header `workdir`. fail_flag : pathlib.Path Path where to generate the `FAIL` file tag. Relative to the job header `workdir`. """ tail = f""" if [ -s {stderr} ]; then # the file is not empty touch {str(fail_tag)} else # the file is empty touch {str(done_tag)} fi """ return tail
[docs]def process_target( source_path: Path, result_path: FilePath, create_job_func: Callable[..., str], scenarios: dict[str, Callable[..., str]], ) -> None: """ Process each model example for benchmarking. Parameters ---------- source_path : Path The folder path to the target. result_path : Path The path where the results for the different scenarios will be saved. create_job_func : callable A function to create the job script. This is an argument because there are several queue systems available. See `create_job_header_funcs`. """ pdb_id = # Define the root directory root_p = Path(result_path, pdb_id).resolve() root_p.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Define the input directory # all files required for the different scenarios # should be inside this folder input_p = Path(root_p, "input") input_p.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # copy the required files to the `input` path ligand = shutil.copy(Path(source_path, f"{pdb_id}_l_u.pdb"), input_p) receptor = shutil.copy(Path(source_path, f"{pdb_id}_r_u.pdb"), input_p) ambig_tbl = shutil.copy(Path(source_path, "ambig.tbl"), input_p) target = shutil.copy( Path(source_path, "ana_scripts", "target.pdb"), input_p ) # noqa: E501 # make all paths relative ligand = Path(ligand).relative_to(root_p) receptor = Path(receptor).relative_to(root_p) ambig_tbl = Path(ambig_tbl).relative_to(root_p) target = Path(target).relative_to(root_p) # Define the job folder # all job files should be here job_p = Path(root_p, "jobs") job_p.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Define the logs folder log_p = Path(root_p, "logs") log_p.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # for each scenario... for scn_name, scn_func in scenarios.items(): # creates a scenario run folder run_folder = Path(result_path, pdb_id, f"run-{scn_name}").resolve() run_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # creates the AVAILABLE tag available_file = Path(run_folder, "AVAILABLE") available_file.touch() run_folder_rel = run_folder.relative_to(root_p) # the actual scenario results will be inside the `run` folder # which is inside the `run_folder` itself. run_job_folder = Path(run_folder_rel, "run") cfg_file = Path(input_p, f"{scn_name}.cfg") job_file = Path(job_p, f"{scn_name}.job") # creates the HADDOCK3 configuration file for the scenario cfg_str = scn_func( run_job_folder, receptor, ligand, ambig_tbl, target, ) # creates the job for the scenario job_str = create_job_func( job_name_prefix=pdb_id, scenario_name=scenarios_acronym[scn_name], work_dir=root_p, run_dir=run_folder_rel, config_file=cfg_file.relative_to(root_p), ) # saves files to disk cfg_file.write_text(cfg_str) job_file.write_text(job_str) return
[docs]def make_daemon_job( create_job_func: Callable[..., str], workdir: FilePath, target_dir: FilePath, job_name: str = "HD3-dmn", stdout_path: FilePath = "daemon.out", stderr_path: FilePath = "daemon.err", queue: str = "short", ) -> str: """Make a daemon-ready job.""" job_header = create_job_func( job_name=job_name, work_dir=workdir, stdout_path=stdout_path, stderr_path=stderr_path, queue=queue, ncores=1, ) conda_sh = get_conda_path() job = f"""{job_header} source {str(conda_sh)} conda activate haddock3 haddock3-dmn {str(target_dir)} """ return job
# helper dictionaries # the different scenarios covered benchmark_scenarios = { "true-interface": create_cfg_ti, # 'center-of-mass': create_cfg_scn_2, } test_scenarios = { "test-daemon": create_cfg_test_daemon, } scenarios_acronym = { "true-interface": "ti", "center-of-mass": "com", "test-daemon": "tdmn", } # prepares the command-line client arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="HADDOCK3 benchmark setup.", description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) ap.add_argument( "benchmark_path", help=( "Location of BM5 folder. " "This folder should have a subfolder for each model. " "We expected each subfolder to have the name of a PDBID. " "That is, folder starting with capital letters or numbers " "will be considered." ), type=_dir_path, ) ap.add_argument( "output_path", help="Where the prepared jobs and the executed benchmark will be stored.", type=_dir_path, ) ap.add_argument( "-wm", "--workload-manager", dest="workload_manager", help="The system where the jobs will be run. Default `slurm`.", choices=list(create_job_header_funcs.keys()), default="slurm", ) ap.add_argument( "-td", "--test-daemon", dest="test_daemon", help=( "Creates configuration files just with the `topology` module. " "Useful to test the benchmark daemon. Default `False`." ), action="store_true", ) ap.add_argument( "-qu", "--queue-name", dest="queue_name", help=("The name of the queue where to send the jobs. " "Default 'medium'."), default="medium", ) ap.add_argument( "-n", "--ncores", help="Maximum number of processors to use in the jobs. Default: 48", default=48, ) ap.add_argument( "-s", "--suffix", help=( "A common suffix for all jobs. Defaults to 'BM5'. Avoid using " "long names because the job-name has a limited amount of characters." ), default="BM5", type=str, ) def _ap() -> ArgumentParser: return ap # client helper functions
[docs]def load_args(ap: ArgumentParser) -> Namespace: """Load argument parser args.""" return ap.parse_args()
[docs]def cli(ap: ArgumentParser, main: Callable[..., None]) -> None: """Command-line interface entry point.""" cmd = load_args(ap) main(**vars(cmd))
[docs]def maincli() -> None: """Execute main client.""" cli(ap, main)
[docs]def main( benchmark_path: Path, output_path: FilePath, workload_manager: str = "slurm", ncores: int = 48, queue_name: str = "medium", test_daemon: bool = False, suffix: str = "BM5", ) -> None: """ Create configuration and job scripts for HADDOCK3 benchmarking. Developed for The parameters defined here are the same as defined in the client arguments. This is the main function of the client. If you want to run the benchmark creation routine withOUT using the command line and instead importing its functionalities and setting it up from another pythong script, you should import this function. >>> from haddock.clis.cli_bm import main Parameters ---------- benchmark_path : Path The path to the benchmark models folder. In BM5-clean would be the 'HADDOCK-ready' folder. output_path : Path Where the results will be saved. A subfolder for each model in `benchmark_path` will be created. workload_manager : str A key for `create_job_header_funcs` dictionary. These relate to the queue managing software installed in your system. Examples are 'slurm' and 'torque'. ncores : int The number of CPUs to use in the created jobs. queue_name : str The name of the queue where the jobs will be sent. This depends on your system configurations. test_daemon : bool If `True`, generates short jobs where only the `topology` will be created. This facilitates testing the `haddoc3 benchmark daemon`. suffix : str A common suffix for all jobs. Avoid using more than three chars. """"*** Preparing Benchnark scripts") _ = (f for f in benchmark_path.glob("*") if _is_valid(f)) source_folders = sorted(_)"* Creating benchmark jobs for {len(source_folders)} targets") # which scenarios to use? _scenarios = test_scenarios if test_daemon else benchmark_scenarios # prepares a `create_job_func` with predefined parameters. _create_job_func = partial( create_job, create_job_header=create_job_header_funcs[workload_manager], create_job_body=setup_haddock3_job, create_job_tail=process_job_execution_status, queue_name=queue_name, ncores=ncores, job_name_suffix=suffix, ) # prepares a `process_target` function with predefined parameters # before entering the for loop pe = partial( process_target, result_path=output_path, create_job_func=_create_job_func, scenarios=_scenarios, ) # for each benchmark test case... for source_path in source_folders: pe(source_path) # makes a job to run the daemon as a job. dmn_job = make_daemon_job( create_job_header_funcs[workload_manager], Path.cwd(), output_path, queue=queue_name, ) Path(output_path, "hd3-daemon.job").write_text(dmn_job)"* done") return
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(maincli()) # type: ignore