Source code for haddock.clis.cli_score

A simple tool to calculate the HADDOCK-score of a complex.

You can pass to the command-line any parameter accepted by the `emscoring`
module. For this, use the ``-p`` option writing the name of the parameters
followed by the desired value. Write booleans with capital letter.

Use the ``haddock3-cfg`` command-line to obtain the list of parameters for
the ``emscoring`` module.


    haddock3-score complex.pdb
    haddock3-score complex.pdb -p nemsteps 50
    haddock3-score complex.pdb -p nemsteps 50 w_air 1
    haddock3-score complex.pdb -p nemsteps 50 w_air 1 electflag True

import argparse
import sys
import tempfile

from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.libs.libcli import _ParamsToDict

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(

ap.add_argument("pdb_file", help="Input PDB file")

    help="Run directory name.",

    help="Print all energy components",

    help="Save the output PDB file (minimized structure)",

    help="Save the output PSF file (topology)",

    "-k" "--keep-all",
    help="Keep the whole run folder.",

        "Any other parameter of the `emscoring` module. "
        "For example: -p nemsteps 1000. You can give any number of "

def _ap() -> ArgumentParser:
    return ap

[docs]def load_args(ap: ArgumentParser) -> Namespace: """Load argument parser args.""" return ap.parse_args()
[docs]def cli(ap: ArgumentParser, main: Callable[..., None]) -> None: """Command-line interface entry point.""" cmd = vars(load_args(ap)) kwargs = cmd.pop("other_params") main(**cmd, **kwargs)
[docs]def maincli() -> None: """Execute main client.""" cli(ap, main)
[docs]def main( pdb_file: FilePath, run_dir: FilePath, full: bool = False, outputpdb: bool = False, outputpsf: bool = False, keep_all: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Calculate the score of a complex using the ``emscoring`` module. Parameters ---------- pdb_file : str or pathlib.Path The path to the PDB containing the complex. full : bool Print all energy components. outputpdb : bool Save the PDB file resulting from the scoring calculation. outputpsf : bool Save the PSF file resulting from the scoring calculation; this is the CNS topology created before running the calculation. keep_all : bool Keep the whole temporary run folder. ``haddock3-score`` creates a temporary run folder where the calculations are performed. If ``keep_all`` is True, this folder is **not** deleted after when the calculation finishes. kwargs : any Any additional arguments that will be passed to the ``emscoring`` module. """ import os import logging import shutil from contextlib import suppress from pathlib import Path from haddock import log from haddock.gear.haddockmodel import HaddockModel from haddock.gear.yaml2cfg import read_from_yaml_config from haddock.gear.zerofill import zero_fill from haddock.libs.libio import working_directory from haddock.libs.libworkflow import WorkflowManager from haddock.modules.scoring.emscoring import DEFAULT_CONFIG log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) input_pdb = Path(pdb_file).resolve() if not input_pdb.exists(): sys.exit(f"* ERROR * Input PDB file {str(input_pdb)!r} does not exist") # config all parameters are correctly spelled. default_emscoring = read_from_yaml_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) ems_dict = default_emscoring.copy() n_warnings = 0 for param, value in kwargs.items(): if param not in default_emscoring: sys.exit( f"* ERROR * Parameter {param!r} is not a " f"valid `emscoring` parameter.{os.linesep}" f"Valid emscoring parameters are: {', '.join(sorted(default_emscoring))}" ) if value != default_emscoring[param]: print( f"* ATTENTION * Value ({value}) of parameter {param} different from default ({default_emscoring[param]})" ) # noqa:E501 # get the type of default value default_type = type(default_emscoring[param]) # convert the value to the same type if default_type == bool: if value.lower() not in ["true", "false"]: sys.exit(f"* ERROR * Boolean parameter {param} should be True or False") value = value.lower() == "true" else: value = default_type(value) ems_dict[param] = value n_warnings += 1 if n_warnings != 0: print( "* ATTENTION * Non-default parameter values were used. " "They should be properly reported if the output " "data are used for publication." ) print(f"used emscoring parameters: {ems_dict}") # create run directory run_dir = Path(run_dir) with suppress(FileNotFoundError): shutil.rmtree(run_dir) run_dir.mkdir() zero_fill.set_zerofill_number(2) # create temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=input_pdb.stem, suffix=".pdb") as tmp: # create a copy of the input pdb input_pdb_copy = Path( shutil.copy(input_pdb, input_pdb_copy) params = { "topoaa": {"molecules": [input_pdb_copy]}, "emscoring": ems_dict, } print("> starting calculations...") # run workflow with working_directory(run_dir): workflow = WorkflowManager( workflow_params=params, start=0, run_dir=run_dir, ) minimized_mol = Path(run_dir, "1_emscoring", "emscoring_1.pdb") haddock_score_component_dic = HaddockModel(minimized_mol).energies vdw = haddock_score_component_dic["vdw"] elec = haddock_score_component_dic["elec"] desolv = haddock_score_component_dic["desolv"] air = haddock_score_component_dic["air"] bsa = haddock_score_component_dic["bsa"] # emscoring is equivalent to itw haddock_score_itw = ( ems_dict["w_vdw"] * vdw + ems_dict["w_elec"] * elec + ems_dict["w_desolv"] * desolv + ems_dict["w_air"] * air + ems_dict["w_bsa"] * bsa ) print( "> HADDOCK-score =" f" ({ems_dict['w_vdw']} * vdw)" f" + ({ems_dict['w_elec']} * elec)" f" + ({ems_dict['w_desolv']} * desolv)" f" + ({ems_dict['w_air']} * air)" f" + ({ems_dict['w_bsa']} * bsa)" ) print(f"> HADDOCK-score (emscoring) = {haddock_score_itw:.4f}") if full: print(f"> vdw={vdw},elec={elec},desolv={desolv},air={air},bsa={bsa}") if outputpdb: outputpdb_name = Path(f"{input_pdb.stem}_hs.pdb") print(f"> writing {outputpdb_name}") shutil.copy( Path(run_dir, "1_emscoring", "emscoring_1.pdb"), outputpdb_name, ) if outputpsf: outputpsf_name = Path(f"{input_pdb.stem}_hs.psf") print(f"> writing {outputpsf_name}") shutil.copy( Path(run_dir, "0_topoaa", f"{input_pdb_copy.stem}_haddock.psf"), outputpsf_name, ) if not keep_all: shutil.rmtree(run_dir) else: print( 'The folder where the calculations were performed was kept.' f' See folder: {run_dir}' )
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(maincli()) # type: ignore