Source code for

"""haddock3-re score subcommand."""
import json
from pathlib import Path
import sys

from haddock import log
from haddock.core.defaults import INTERACTIVE_RE_SUFFIX
from haddock.core.typing import Union
from haddock.libs.libinteractive import handle_ss_file, handle_clt_file
from haddock.libs.libplots import read_capri_table

[docs]def add_rescore_arguments(rescore_subcommand): """Add arguments to the score subcommand.""" rescore_subcommand.add_argument( "capri_dir", help="The caprieval directory to rescore.", ) rescore_subcommand.add_argument( "-e", "--w_elec", help="weight of the electrostatic component.", required=False, type=float, ) rescore_subcommand.add_argument( "-w", "--w_vdw", help="weight of the van-der-Waals component.", required=False, type=float, ) rescore_subcommand.add_argument( "-d", "--w_desolv", help="weight of the desolvation component.", required=False, type=float, ) rescore_subcommand.add_argument( "-b", "--w_bsa", help="weight of the BSA component.", required=False, type=float, ) rescore_subcommand.add_argument( "-a", "--w_air", help="weight of the AIR component.", required=False, type=float, ) return rescore_subcommand
ANA_FOLDER = "interactive" # name of the analysis folder
[docs]def rescore( capri_dir: Union[str, Path], w_elec: Union[bool, float] = None, w_vdw: Union[bool, float] = None, w_desolv: Union[bool, float] = None, w_bsa: Union[bool, float] = None, w_air: Union[bool, float] = None, ) -> Path: """Rescore the CAPRI models.""""Rescoring {capri_dir}") # load the scoring pars via json weights_filename = Path(capri_dir, "weights_params.json") if not weights_filename.exists(): log.error(f"weights file {weights_filename} not found. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) scoring_pars = json.load(open(weights_filename, "r"))"Previous scoring parameters: {scoring_pars}") if w_elec is not None: scoring_pars.update({"w_elec": w_elec}) if w_vdw is not None: scoring_pars.update({"w_vdw": w_vdw}) if w_desolv is not None: scoring_pars.update({"w_desolv": w_desolv}) if w_bsa is not None: scoring_pars.update({"w_bsa": w_bsa}) if w_air is not None: scoring_pars.update({"w_air": w_air})"Rescoring parameters: {scoring_pars}") capri_ss = Path(capri_dir, "capri_ss.tsv") capri_clt = Path(capri_dir, "capri_clt.tsv") if not capri_ss.exists() or not capri_clt.exists(): log.error("capri_ss.tsv or capri_clt.tsv not found. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) # ss file df_ss = read_capri_table(capri_ss) # now we want to rewrite the score parameter new_scores = scoring_pars["w_vdw"] * df_ss["vdw"] + \ scoring_pars["w_elec"] * df_ss["elec"] + \ scoring_pars["w_bsa"] * df_ss["bsa"] + \ scoring_pars["w_desolv"] * df_ss["desolv"] + \ scoring_pars["w_air"] * df_ss["air"] df_ss["score"] = new_scores # now we want to write the new capri_ss.tsv file run_dir = Path(capri_dir).parent capri_name = Path(capri_dir).name # create the interactive folder outdir = Path(run_dir, f"{capri_name}_{INTERACTIVE_RE_SUFFIX}") outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # handle ss file first df_ss, clt_ranks_dict = handle_ss_file(df_ss) capri_ss_file = Path(outdir, "capri_ss.tsv")"Saving capri_ss file to {capri_ss_file}") df_ss.to_csv(capri_ss_file, sep="\t", index=False, float_format="%.3f") df_clt = handle_clt_file(df_ss, clt_ranks_dict) capri_clt_file = Path(outdir, "capri_clt.tsv") df_clt.to_csv( capri_clt_file, sep="\t", index=False, float_format="%.3f", ) # Write the latest parameters file # define output fname rescoring_params_fname = Path(outdir, "weights_params.json") # write json file with open(rescoring_params_fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as jsonf: json.dump( scoring_pars, jsonf, indent=4, )"new rescoring parameters written in: {rescoring_params_fname}") # return path to the new interactive folder return outdir