Source code for haddock.core.typing

Useful type aliases and type variables for type-hints support.

Visit [PEP 484 Type Hints]( for more help.

Variables endswith `T` are TypeVars for generic function signatures.
They are defined to

    - accept constraint types(Any type when no type is given)
    - accept any subclass by using keyword `bound`
    - be parameter of Generic and subclass of Generic,
      espacially for invariant Collections(list,sequence and so on).
    - show more than once in generic functions to indicates that
      these types are exactly same.

Don't import other classes, type aliases or type variables defined
in `haddock` into this module.
This may lead to circular import problem.

from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from logging import FileHandler, Handler, StreamHandler
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

from numpy import float64
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas.core.groupby.generic import DataFrameGroupBy
from plotly.graph_objects import Figure

AnyT = TypeVar('AnyT')
"""Arbitrary type for generic function signatures."""

PT = TypeVar('PT')
Arbitrary parameter type for generic `Callable` signatures.

For py3.11+, `ParamSpec` and `Concatenate` may be more explict
while making signatures longer.

# Literals
ImgFormat = Literal["png", "pdf", "svg", "jpeg", "webp"]
"""Supported image formats by plotly."""

ExpertLevel = Literal["all", "easy", "expert", "guru"]
"""The expertise level of the parameters.`hidden` not inclued."""

LogLevel = Literal["INFO", "DEBUG", "ERROR", "WARNING", "CRITICAL"]

# Protocols
[docs]@runtime_checkable class SupportsAdd(Protocol): """ An ABC with one abstract method __add__. Can be used in `isinstance` and `issubclass`. Assuming that the operands and the result's types are same for most common situations. Examples -------- >>> isinstance(int, SupportsAdd) True """ __slots__ = () def __add__(self: AnyT, other: AnyT, /) -> AnyT: raise NotImplementedError()
SupportsAddT = TypeVar("SupportsAddT", bound=SupportsAdd) """TypeVar of SupportsAdd for Generic type check."""
[docs]@runtime_checkable class SupportsRun(Protocol): """ An ABC with one abstract method run(). Can be used in `isinstance` and `issubclass`. Examples -------- >>> from multiprocessing import Process >>> isinstance(Process, SupportsRun) True """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def run(self) -> Any: """Do something.""" raise NotImplementedError()
SupportsRunT = TypeVar("SupportsRunT", bound=SupportsRun) """TypeVar of SupportsRun for Generic type check.""" # other type alias and type variables NDFloat = NDArray[float64] FilePath = Union[str, Path] FilePathT = TypeVar("FilePathT", bound=FilePath) """ Generic type variable for file paths. If the first annotated variable is str, the second annotated variable will be str instead of Path,vice versa. """ LineIterSource = Union[Iterable[str], FilePath] """An Object who can generate lines in some way.""" ParamMap = MutableMapping[str, Any] """ A mutable mapping object contains parameters generated from config files or functions. The keys are always `str`. """ ParamMapT = TypeVar('ParamMapT', bound=ParamMap) """ Generic type of `MutableMapping[str, Any]` for generic function sigunature. """ ParamDict = dict[str, Any] """ A dict contains parameters generated from config files or functions. The keys are always `str`. Can be called like `dict` and returns a python `dict`. Examples -------- >>> ParamDict(a=1) == {'a':1} True >>> ParamDict({'a':1}) == {'a':1} True >>> ParamDict().setdefault('a', 1) 1 """ ParamDictT = TypeVar('ParamDictT', bound=ParamDict) """ Generic type of `dict[str, Any]` for generic function sigunature. """ ModuleParams = dict[str, ParamDict] """A dict contains modules' parameters.""" AtomsDict = dict[str, list[str]] """ A dict contains all kinds of residues' atom type infomations (including non-standard residue and atom type). Key is residue name, value is a list of the residue's atom types. """ StreamHandlerT = TypeVar('StreamHandlerT', bound=Union[StreamHandler, FileHandler])