Source code for haddock.gear.prepare_run

"""Logic pertraining to preparing the run files and folders."""
import difflib
import importlib
import itertools as it
import json
import os
import shutil
import string
import sys
import tarfile
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath

from haddock import EmptyPath, contact_us, haddock3_source_path, log
from haddock.core.defaults import RUNDIR, max_molecules_allowed
from haddock.core.exceptions import ConfigurationError, ModuleError
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.gear.clean_steps import (
from haddock.gear.config import get_module_name
from haddock.gear.config import load as read_config
from haddock.gear.config import save as save_config
from haddock.gear.expandable_parameters import (
from haddock.gear.extend_run import (
from haddock.gear.greetings import get_goodbye_help
from haddock.gear.parameters import (
from haddock.gear.preprocessing import process_pdbs, read_additional_residues
from haddock.gear.restart_run import remove_folders_after_number
from haddock.gear.validations import v_rundir
from haddock.gear.yaml2cfg import read_from_yaml_config
from haddock.gear.zerofill import zero_fill
from haddock.libs.libfunc import not_none
from haddock.libs.libio import make_writeable_recursive
from haddock.libs.libutil import (
from haddock.modules import (
from haddock.modules.analysis import (


# Dict mapping string types (in default.yaml) into python3 objects types
    "boolean": (bool,),
    "bool": (bool,),
    "integer": (
    "int": (
    "long": (
    "float": (
    "double": (float,),
    "string": (str,),
    "str": (str,),
    "list": (list,),
    "array": (list,),
    "path": (
    "file": (

[docs]@contextmanager def config_key_error() -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Raise ConfigurationError on KeyError.""" try: yield except KeyError as err: msg = f"Expected {err.args[0]!r} parameter in configuration file." raise ConfigurationError(msg) from err
[docs]def with_config_error(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Add config error context.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[..., Any]: with config_key_error(): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
@lru_cache def _read_defaults(module_name, default_only=True): """Read the defaults.yaml given a module name. Parameters ---------- module_name : str Name of the HADDOCK3 module default_only : bool If True, only the default value of each parameters found in the default.yaml will be return, else all information are retrieved. Return ------ mod_default_config : dict A dict holding default value for each parameters of the module if default_only == True, Else a dict of dict, contraining all information present in the default.yaml file of the module. """ module_name_ = get_module_name(module_name) pdef = Path( haddock3_source_path, "modules", modules_category[module_name_], module_name_, "defaults.yaml", ).resolve() mod_default_config = read_from_yaml_config(pdef, default_only=default_only) return mod_default_config
[docs]def setup_run( workflow_path: FilePath, restart_from: Optional[int] = None, extend_run: Optional[FilePath] = None, ) -> tuple[ParamDict, ParamDict]: """ Set up an HADDOCK3 run. This function sets up a HADDOCK3 considering the options `--restart` and `--extend-run`. The list of actions presented below does not necessary represents the exact order in which it happens. Always performed: #. read the user configuration file #. completes the user configuration file with the default values for the non-specified parameters #. validate the config file * confirm modules' names are correctly spelled * check if requested modules are installed * check additional validations #. validate modules' parameters #. copy input files to data/ directory * for ``--restart`` copies only after the restart number Performed when ``--restart``: #. remove folders after --restart number #. remove also folders from `data/` dir after the ``--restart`` num #. renumber step folders according to the number of modules Performed when ``--extend-run``: #. renumber step folders according to the number of modules Performed when start from scratch: #. check mandatory arguments are present in the config file #. check run-dir exists #. copy molecules to topology key (also in ``--restart``) #. populate topology parameters (also in ``--restart``) #. copy molecules to data dir Parameters ---------- workflow_path : str or pathlib.Path The path to the configuration file. restart_from : int The step to restart the run from (inclusive). Defaults to None, which ignores this option. extend_run : str or Path The path created with `haddock3-copy` to start the run from. Defaults to None, which ignores this option. Returns ------- tuple of two dicts A dictionary with the parameters for the haddock3 modules. A dictionary with the general run parameters. """ # read the user config file from path config_files = read_config(workflow_path) # update default non-mandatory parameters with user params params = recursive_dict_update( config_optional_general_parameters_dict, config_files["final_cfg"] ) params = recursive_dict_update( non_mandatory_general_parameters_defaults, params, ) validate_module_names_are_not_misspelled(params) # separate general from modules' parameters _modules_keys = identify_modules(params) general_params = remove_dict_keys(params, _modules_keys) modules_params = remove_dict_keys(params, list(general_params.keys())) validate_parameters_are_not_misspelled( general_params, reference_parameters=ALL_POSSIBLE_GENERAL_PARAMETERS, ) # --extend-run configs do not define the run directory # in the config file. So we take it from the argument. if not_none(extend_run): with suppress(TypeError): extend_run = Path(extend_run) general_params[RUNDIR] = extend_run check_if_modules_are_installed(modules_params) check_specific_validations(general_params) # define starting conditions # consider a deeper refactor if additional conditions are implemented # @joaomcteixeira, 09 May 2022 from_scratch = restart_from is None and extend_run is None scratch_rest0 = from_scratch or restart_from == 0 restarting_from = not_none(restart_from) starting_from_copy = not_none(extend_run) if from_scratch: check_run_dir_exists(general_params[RUNDIR]) if scratch_rest0: check_mandatory_argments_are_present(general_params) if restarting_from: remove_folders_after_number(general_params[RUNDIR], restart_from) _data_dir = Path(general_params[RUNDIR], "data") remove_folders_after_number(_data_dir, restart_from) if restarting_from or starting_from_copy: # get run files in folder step_folders = get_module_steps_folders(general_params[RUNDIR]) "Uncompressing previous output files for folders: " f'{", ".join(step_folders)}' ) # unpack the possible compressed and archived files _step_folders = (Path(general_params[RUNDIR], p) for p in step_folders) unpack_compressed_and_archived_files( _step_folders, general_params["ncores"], dec_all=True, ) if starting_from_copy: num_steps = len(step_folders) _num_modules = len(modules_params) # has to consider the folders already present, plus the new folders # in the configuration file zero_fill.set_zerofill_number(num_steps + _num_modules) max_mols = read_num_molecules_from_folder(extend_run) else: copy_molecules_to_topology( general_params["molecules"], modules_params["topoaa.1"], ) if len(modules_params["topoaa.1"]["molecules"]) > max_molecules_allowed: raise ConfigurationError( f"Too many molecules defined, max is {max_molecules_allowed}." ) # noqa: E501 populate_topology_molecule_params(modules_params["topoaa.1"]) populate_mol_parameters(modules_params) max_mols = len(modules_params["topoaa.1"]["molecules"]) if not from_scratch: _prev, _new = renum_step_folders(general_params[RUNDIR]) renum_step_folders(Path(general_params[RUNDIR], "data")) if UNPACK_FOLDERS: # only if there was any folder unpacked update_unpacked_names(_prev, _new, UNPACK_FOLDERS) update_step_contents_to_step_names( _prev, _new, general_params[RUNDIR], ) validate_modules_params(modules_params, max_mols) # create datadir data_dir = create_data_dir(general_params[RUNDIR]) # Add workflow configuration file in data directory enhanced_haddock_params = deepcopy(general_params) enhanced_haddock_params.update(modules_params) config_files["enhanced_haddock_params"] = enhanced_haddock_params config_saves = save_configuration_files(config_files, data_dir) # noqa : F841 if scratch_rest0: copy_molecules_to_data_dir( data_dir, modules_params["topoaa.1"], preprocess=general_params["preprocess"], ) if starting_from_copy: copy_input_files_to_data_dir(data_dir, modules_params, start=num_steps) elif restarting_from: # copies only the input molecules needed _keys = list(modules_params.keys()) _partial_params = {k: modules_params[k] for k in _keys[restart_from:]} copy_input_files_to_data_dir( data_dir, _partial_params, start=restart_from, ) else: # copies everything copy_input_files_to_data_dir(data_dir, modules_params) # grant write permissions to data/ dir make_writeable_recursive(data_dir) # return the modules' parameters and general parameters separately return modules_params, general_params
[docs]def save_configuration_files(configs: dict, datadir: Union[str, Path]) -> dict: """Write a copy of configuration files (GitHub issue #578). Parameters ---------- configs : dict Dictionnary holding the various configuration files ['raw_input, 'cleaned_input', 'loaded_cleaned_input', 'final_cfg', 'enhanced_haddock_params'] datadir : str or :py:class:`libpath.Path` Directory where to write the configuration. Return ------ added_files : dict Dictionary of paths leading to saved configuration files. """ # Create directory confpaths = Path(datadir, "configurations/") confpaths.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Initiate files data infofile = { "raw_input": ( "An untouched copy of the raw input file, " "as provided by the user." ), "cleaned_input": ( "Pre-parsed input file where (eventually) " "some indexing and modifications were " "applied to ensure further processing." ), "enhanced_haddock_params": ( "Final input file with detailed default parameters." ), } added_files = {} # Set list of configurations that wish to be saved list_save_conf = [ "raw_input", "cleaned_input", "enhanced_haddock_params", ] # Loop over configuration files for confname in list_save_conf: try: confdt = configs[confname] except KeyError: continue toml_fpath = Path(confpaths, f"{confname}.toml") if isinstance(confdt, dict): # Save toml version save_config(confdt, toml_fpath) # Save json version json_fpath = Path(confpaths, f"{confname}.json") jsonconf = recursive_convert_paths_to_strings(confdt) with open(json_fpath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(jsonconf, f, indent=4) else: with open(toml_fpath, "w") as f: f.write(confdt) added_files[confname] = toml_fpath # Add README to help user readmepath = Path(confpaths, "README.txt") with open(readmepath, "w") as f: f.write( f"{'#'*80}\n# Information about configuration " f"files present in the same directory #\n{'#'*80}\n" ) for confname in list_save_conf: if confname not in added_files.keys(): continue f.write(f'"{added_files[confname]}": {infofile[confname]}\n') added_files["readme"] = readmepath # Return mapper to added files return added_files
[docs]def validate_params(params): """ Validate the parameter file. #1 : checks for mandatory parameters #2 : checks for correct modules """ check_mandatory_argments_are_present(params) validate_modules_names(params)
[docs]def check_mandatory_argments_are_present(params: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Confirm order key exists in config.""" for arg in config_mandatory_general_parameters: if arg not in params: _msg = ( f"Parameter {arg!r} is not defined in the configuration file. " "Please refer to DOCUMENTATION-LINK for more information." ) raise ConfigurationError(_msg) return
[docs]@with_config_error def validate_modules_names(params: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Validate all modules names are spelled correctly.""" keys = ( set(params) - set(config_mandatory_general_parameters) - set(non_mandatory_general_parameters_defaults) ) for module in keys: if get_module_name(module) not in modules_category.keys(): _msg = ( f"Module {module} not found in HADDOCK3 library. " "Please refer to the list of available modules at: " "DOCUMENTATION-LINK" ) raise ConfigurationError(_msg)
[docs]@with_config_error def validate_modules_params(modules_params: ParamMap, max_mols: int) -> None: """ Validate individual parameters for each module. Raises ------ ConfigError If there is any parameter given by the user that is not defined in the defaults.cfg of the module. """ for module_name, args in modules_params.items(): module_name = get_module_name(module_name) defaults = _read_defaults(module_name) if not defaults: continue if module_name in modules_using_resdic: confirm_resdic_chainid_length(args) expandable_params = get_expandable_parameters( args, defaults, module_name, max_mols, ) all_parameters = set.union( set(extract_keys_recursive(defaults)), set(non_mandatory_general_parameters_defaults.keys()), expandable_params, ) diff = set(extract_keys_recursive(args)) - all_parameters if diff: matched = fuzzy_match(diff, all_parameters) def pretty_print(match: tuple[str, str]) -> str: return f" * '{match[0]}' did you mean '{match[1]}'?" _msg = ( "The following parameters do not match any expected " f"parameters for module {module_name!r}: {os.linesep}" f"{os.linesep.join(map(pretty_print, matched))}." ) raise ConfigurationError(_msg) # Now that existence of the parameter was checked, # it is time to validate the type and value taken by this param validate_module_params_values(module_name, args) # Update parameters with defaults ones _missing_defaults = { param: default for param, default in defaults.items() if param not in args.keys() } args.update(_missing_defaults)
[docs]def validate_module_params_values(module_name: str, args: dict) -> None: """Validate individual parameters for a module. Parameters ---------- module_name : Name of the module to be analyzed args : dict Dictionnary of key/value present in user config file for a module Raises ------ ConfigError If there is any parameter given by the user that is not following the types or ranges/choices allowed in the defaults.cfg of the module. """ # Load all parameters information from 'defaults.cfg' default_conf_params = _read_defaults(module_name, default_only=False) # Loop over user queried parameters keys/values for key, val in args.items(): validate_value(default_conf_params, key, val)
[docs]def validate_value(default_yaml: dict, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Validate queried value for a specific parameter of a module. Parameters ---------- default_yaml : dict Dictionnary of key/value present in user config file for a module key : str Key to be analyzed value : [bool, int, float, str, list] The provided value for a parameter Raises ------ ConfigError If there is any parameter given by the user that is not following the types or ranges/choices allowed in the defaults.cfg of the module. """ # Special case for molecules... if key not in default_yaml.keys(): return if "group" in default_yaml[key].keys(): if default_yaml[key]["group"] == "molecules": return # Series of checks if _msg := validate_param_type(default_yaml[key], value): raise ConfigurationError(f'Config error for parameter "{key}": {_msg}') if _msg := validate_param_range(default_yaml[key], value): raise ConfigurationError(f'Config error for parameter "{key}": {_msg}')
# FIXME: add more checks here ?
[docs]def validate_param_type(param: dict, val: Any) -> Optional[str]: """Check if provided parameter type is similar to defined defaults ones. Parameters ---------- param : dict Dictionnary of key/value present in user config file for a module val : [bool, int, float, str, list] The provided value for a parameter Return ------ May return a string explaining the issue with the provided value type """ if "type" not in param.keys(): return # Load type from string to python class try: allowed_types = TYPES_MAPPER[param["type"]] except KeyError as e: return f'Unrecognized default type "{e}"' # Check if both of the same type if (query_type := type(val)) not in allowed_types: return ( f'Wrong provided type "{query_type}" with value "{val}". ' f'It should be of type "{param["type"]}" ' f'(e.g: {param["default"]})' )
[docs]def validate_param_range(param: dict, val: Any) -> Optional[str]: """Check if provided value is in range/choices defined for this parameter. Parameters ---------- param : dict Dictionnary of key/value present in user config file for a module val : [bool, int, float, str, list] The provided value for a parameter Return ------ May return a string explaining the issue with the provided value range """ # Case for choices if "choices" in param.keys(): if val not in (choices := param["choices"]): return f'Value "{val}" is not among the accepted choices: {choices}' # noqa : E501 # Case for ranges elif "min" in param.keys() and "max" in param.keys(): if val < param["min"] or val > param["max"]: return ( f'Value "{val}" is not in the allowed boundaries ' f'ranging from {param["min"]} to {param["max"]}' ) # Case for lists elif "minitems" in param.keys() and "maxitems" in param.keys(): if (nbitems := len(val)) < param["minitems"] or nbitems > param["maxitems"]: _desc = "under" if nbitems < param["minitems"] else "exceeding" return ( f'Number of items found in "{val}" is {_desc} the ' "permitted limit. It should range from " f'{param["minitems"]} to {param["maxitems"]}' ) # Case for strings elif "minchars" in param.keys() and "maxchars" in param.keys(): if (nbchars := len(val)) < param["minchars"] or nbchars > param["maxchars"]: _desc = "under" if nbchars < param["minitems"] else "exceeding" return ( f'Number of items found in "{val}" is {_desc} the ' "permitted limit. It should range from " f'{param["minchars"]} to {param["maxchars"]}' )
[docs]def check_if_modules_are_installed(params: ParamMap) -> None: """Validate if third party-libraries are installed.""" for module_name in params.keys(): module_import_name = ".".join( [ "haddock", "modules", modules_category[get_module_name(module_name)], get_module_name(module_name), ] ) module_lib = importlib.import_module(module_import_name) try: module_lib.HaddockModule.confirm_installation() except Exception as err: _msg = ( "A problem occurred while assessing if module " f"{module_name!r} is installed in your system. Have you " "installed the packages required to run this module? If " f"yes, write us at {contact_us!r} describing your system " "and the problems you are facing. If not, please install " "the required packages to use the module." ) raise ModuleError(_msg) from err
# depecrated # def convert_params_to_path(params): # """Convert parameters to path.""" # convert_molecules_to_path(params) # convert_run_dir_to_path(params) # return # # # @with_config_error # def convert_molecules_to_path(params): # """ # Convert molecules path strings to Python Paths. # # And... convert `molecules` in `params` to a dictionary where keys # are `key` + `sep` + enumerate(`start`), and values are the new Path # values. # """ # molecules = make_list_if_string(params['molecules']) # params['molecules'] = [Path(i).resolve() for i in molecules] # return # # # @with_config_error # def convert_run_dir_to_path(params): # """Convert run directory value to Python Path.""" # params[RUNDIR] = Path(params[RUNDIR]) # return
[docs]@with_config_error def create_data_dir(run_dir: FilePath) -> Path: """ Create initial files for HADDOCK3 run. Returns ------- pathlib.Path A path referring only to 'data'. """ data_dir = Path(run_dir, "data") data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return data_dir
[docs]@with_config_error def copy_molecules_to_topology( molecules: Iterable[str], topoaa_params: ParamMap ) -> None: """Copy molecules to mandatory topology module.""" topoaa_params["molecules"] = list(map(Path, transform_to_list(molecules)))
[docs]def copy_molecules_to_data_dir( data_dir: Path, topoaa_params: ParamMap, preprocess: bool = True ) -> None: """ Copy molecules to data directory and to topoaa parameters. Parameters ---------- data_dir : Path The data/ directory inside the run directory. Must contain reference to the run directory. topoaa_params : dict A dictionary containing the topoaa parameters. preprocess : bool Whether to preprocess input molecules. Defaults to ``True``. See :py:mod:`haddock.gear.preprocessing`. """ topoaa_dir = zero_fill.fill("topoaa", 0) # define paths data_topoaa_dir = Path(data_dir, topoaa_dir) data_topoaa_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) rel_data_topoaa_dir = Path(, topoaa_dir) original_mol_dir = Path(data_dir, "original_molecules") new_molecules: list[Path] = [] for molecule in copy(topoaa_params["molecules"]): check_if_path_exists(molecule) mol_name = Path(molecule).name if preprocess: # preprocess PDB files top_fname = topoaa_params.get("ligand_top_fname", False) new_residues = read_additional_residues(top_fname) if top_fname else None new_pdbs = process_pdbs(molecule, user_supported_residues=new_residues) # copy the original molecule original_mol_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) original_mol = Path(original_mol_dir, mol_name) shutil.copy(molecule, original_mol) # write the new processed molecule new_pdb = os.linesep.join(new_pdbs[0]) Path(data_topoaa_dir, mol_name).write_text(new_pdb) else: shutil.copy(molecule, Path(data_topoaa_dir, mol_name)) new_molecules.append(Path(rel_data_topoaa_dir, mol_name)) topoaa_params["molecules"] = copy(new_molecules)
[docs]def copy_input_files_to_data_dir( data_dir: Path, modules_params: ParamMap, start: int = 0 ) -> None: """ Copy input files to data directory. Parameters ---------- data_dir : Path The data/ directory inside the run directory. Must contain reference to the run directory. modules_params : dict A dictionary with the parameters of the modules. The paths to data in the dictionary are updated to the new paths copied to the data/ folder. start : int, default to 0 The starting number of the step folders prefix. """ rel_data_dir = for i, (module, params) in enumerate(modules_params.items(), start=start): end_path = Path(zero_fill.fill(get_module_name(module), i)) for parameter, value in params.items(): if parameter.endswith("_fname"): if value: name = Path(value).name # path is created here to avoid creating empty folders # for those modules without '_fname' parameters pf = Path(data_dir, end_path) pf.mkdir(exist_ok=True) check_if_path_exists(value) target_path = Path(pf, name) shutil.copy(value, target_path) _p = Path(rel_data_dir, end_path, name) modules_params[module][parameter] = _p # account for input .tgz files if name.endswith("tgz"):"Uncompressing tar {value}") with as fin: fin.extractall(pf)
[docs]def check_run_dir_exists(run_dir: FilePath) -> None: """Check whether the run directory exists.""" _p = Path(run_dir) if _p.exists() and len(list(_p.iterdir())) > 0: f"The {RUNDIR!r} {str(_p)!r} exists and is not empty. " "We can't work on it unless you provide the `--restart` " "option. If you want to start a run from scratch, " "indicate a new folder, or manually delete this one first, " "or use `--restart 0`." ) sys.exit(get_goodbye_help())
[docs]def identify_modules(params: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]: """Identify keys (headings) belonging to HADDOCK3 modules.""" modules_keys = [k for k in params if get_module_name(k) in modules_category] return modules_keys
[docs]def inject_in_modules(modules_params: ParamMap, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: """Inject a parameter in each module.""" for params in modules_params.values(): if key in params: raise ValueError( "key {key!r} already in {module!r} parameters. " "Can't inject." ) params[key] = value
[docs]def validate_module_names_are_not_misspelled(params: ParamMap) -> None: """ Validate module names are not misspelled in step definitions. Parameters ---------- params : dict The user configuration file. """ params_to_check = [ get_module_name(param) for param, value in params.items() if isinstance(value, dict) ] validate_parameters_are_not_misspelled( params_to_check, reference_parameters=modules_names, ) return
[docs]def validate_parameters_are_not_misspelled( params: Iterable[str], reference_parameters: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """Validate general parameters are not misspelled.""" for param_name in params: if param_name not in reference_parameters: matched = fuzzy_match([param_name], reference_parameters) emsg = ( f"Parameter {param_name!r} is not a valid general parameter," f" did you mean {matched[0][1]!r}?" ) raise ValueError(emsg)
[docs]@with_config_error def check_specific_validations(params: ParamMap) -> None: """Make specific validations.""" # double check though this is confirmed already in the config reader v_rundir(params[RUNDIR])
[docs]def get_expandable_parameters( user_config: ParamMap, defaults: ParamMap, module_name: str, max_mols: int ) -> set[str]: """ Get configuration expandable blocks. Parameters ---------- user_config : dict The user configuration file for a module. defaults : dict The default configuration file defined for the module. module_name : str The name the module being processed. max_mols : int The max number of molecules allowed. """ # the topoaa module is an exception because it has subdictionaries # for the `mol` parameter. Instead of defining a general recursive # function, I decided to add a simple if/else exception. # no other module should have subdictionaries has parameters if get_module_name(module_name) == "topoaa": ap: set[str] = set() # allowed_parameters ap.update(_get_expandable(user_config, defaults, module_name, max_mols)) for i in range(1, max_mols + 1): key = f"mol{i}" with suppress(KeyError): ap.update( _get_expandable( user_config[key], defaults["mol1"], module_name, max_mols, ) ) return ap elif module_name in modules_using_resdic: ep = _get_expandable(user_config, defaults, module_name, max_mols) for _param in user_config.keys(): if _param.startswith("resdic_"): ep.add(_param) return ep else: return _get_expandable(user_config, defaults, module_name, max_mols)
# reading parameter blocks def _get_expandable( user_config: ParamMap, defaults: ParamMap, module_name: str, max_mols: int ) -> set[str]: type_1 = get_single_index_groups(defaults) type_2 = get_multiple_index_groups(defaults) type_4 = get_mol_parameters(defaults) allowed_params: set[str] = set() allowed_params.update( read_single_idx_groups_user_config(user_config, type_1) ) # noqa: E501 allowed_params.update( read_multiple_idx_groups_user_config(user_config, type_2) ) # noqa: E501 with suppress(KeyError): type_3 = type_simplest_ep[get_module_name(module_name)] allowed_params.update(read_simplest_expandable(type_3, user_config)) _ = read_mol_parameters(user_config, type_4, max_mols=max_mols) allowed_params.update(_) return allowed_params
[docs]def populate_topology_molecule_params(topoaa: ParamMap) -> None: """Populate topoaa `molX` subdictionaries.""" topoaa_dft = _read_defaults("topoaa.1") for i in range(1, len(topoaa["molecules"]) + 1): mol = f"mol{i}" topoaa[mol] = recursive_dict_update( topoaa_dft["mol1"], topoaa[mol] if mol in topoaa else {}, ) return
[docs]def populate_mol_parameters(modules_params: ParamMap) -> None: """ Populate modules subdictionaries with the needed molecule `mol_` parameters. The `mol_` prefixed parameters is a subclass of the expandable parameters. See `gear.expandable_parameters`. Modules require these parameters to be repeated for the number of input molecules. This function adds `mol_` parameters to the user input parameters, one per each `molecule`. Parameters ---------- modules_params : dict A dictionary containing only modules' keys:subdictionaries parameters. That is, without the general parameters. Returns ------- None Alter the dictionary in place. """ # the starting number of the `mol_` parameters is 1 by CNS definition. num_mols = range(1, len(modules_params["topoaa.1"]["molecules"]) + 1) for module_name, _ in modules_params.items(): # read the modules default parameters defaults = _read_defaults(module_name) # if there are no `mol_` parameters in the modules default values, # the `mol_params` generator will be empty and the for-loop below # won't run. mol_params = (p for p in list(defaults.keys()) if is_mol_parameter(p)) for param, i in it.product(mol_params, num_mols): param_name = remove_trail_idx(param) # the `setdefault` grants that the value is only added if # the parameter is not present. modules_params[module_name].setdefault( f"{param_name}_{i}", defaults[param], ) return
[docs]def check_if_path_exists(path: FilePath) -> None: """ Check if a path exists and raises an error if it does not exist. For example given this path "../config/project_01/file.txt" it would find the following path "../config/project-01". Parameters ---------- path : AnyStr | PathLike The path to check. Returns ------- None If the path does exist. Raises ------ ValueError If the path does not exist. """ path = os.path.normpath(path) if os.path.exists(path): return None reconstituted_path: str = "./" error = ("", "", "") elements = Path(path).parts if elements[0] == ".": elements = elements[1:] for part in elements: next_folder = Path(reconstituted_path, part) if not next_folder.exists(): error = ( reconstituted_path, fuzzy_match([part], os.listdir(reconstituted_path))[0][1], part, ) break reconstituted_path = str(next_folder) msg = ( f"The following file could not be found: '{path}'. " f"In the folder '{error[0]}' the following '{error[1]}' " f"is the closest match to the supplied '{error[2]}', did " "you mean to open this?" ) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def fuzzy_match( user_input: Iterable[str], possibilities: Iterable[str] ) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: """ Find the closest possibility to the user supplied input. Parameters ---------- user_input : list(string) List of strings with the faulty input given by the user. possibilities : list(string) List of strings with all possible options that would be valid in this context. Returns ------- list(string, string) The closest string from the possibilities to each string of the `user_input`. With as first element of the tuple the user_input string, and as second element the matched possibility. """ results: list[tuple[str, str]] = list() for user_word in transform_to_list(user_input): best: tuple[float, Any] = (-1, "") for possibility in possibilities: distance = difflib.SequenceMatcher( a=user_word, b=possibility ).ratio() # noqa: E501 if distance > best[0]: best = (distance, possibility) results.append((user_word, best[1])) return results
[docs]def update_step_contents_to_step_names( prev_names: Iterable[str], new_names: Iterable[str], folder: FilePath ) -> None: """ Update step folder names in files after the `--restart` option. Runs over the folders defined in `new_names`. Parameters ---------- prev_names : list List of step names to find in file contents. new_names : list List of new step names to replace `prev_names`. Both lists need to be synchronized. That is, the first index of `prev_names` should correspond to the old names of `new_names`. folder : str or Path Folder where the step folders are. Usually run directory or data directory. Returns ------- None Save files in place. """ for new_step in new_names: new_step_p = Path(folder, new_step) for file_ in new_step_p.iterdir(): # goes recursive into the next folder if file_.is_dir(): update_step_names_in_subfolders(file_, prev_names, new_names) else: update_step_names_in_file(file_, prev_names, new_names)
[docs]def update_step_names_in_subfolders( folder: Path, prev_names: Iterable[str], new_names: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """ Update step names in subfolders. Some modules may generate subfolders. This function update its files accordingly to the `--restart` feature. """ for file_ in folder.iterdir(): if file_.is_dir(): update_step_names_in_subfolders(file_, prev_names, new_names) else: update_step_names_in_file(file_, prev_names, new_names) return
[docs]def update_step_names_in_file( file_: Path, prev_names: Iterable[str], new_names: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """Update step names in file following the `--restart` option.""" try: text = file_.read_text() except UnicodeDecodeError as err: log.warning(f"Failed to read file {file_}. Error is {err}") return for s1, s2 in zip(prev_names, new_names): text = text.replace(s1, s2) file_.write_text(text) return