Source code for haddock.libs.libinteractive

"""Set of functions related to haddock3 interactive rescoring `haddock3-re`."""

from haddock import log
from haddock.clis.cli_traceback import get_steps_without_pdbs
from haddock.core.typing import Union
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from haddock.libs.libplots import read_capri_table
from haddock.modules import get_module_steps_folders

[docs]def handle_ss_file( df_ss: pd.DataFrame, ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict]: """ Manage a caprieval capri_ss file focusing on 4 first elements per cluster. Parameters ---------- df_ss : pd.DataFrame The caprieval ss data. Returns ------- df_ss : pd.DataFrame The input dataframe clt_ranks_dict : dict Dictionary with the cluster ranks """ # now we want to calculate mean and std dev of the scores on df_ss # first sort the dataframe by score df_ss.sort_values(by=["score"], inplace=True) # groupby cluster_id df_ss_grouped = df_ss.groupby("cluster_id") # calculate the mean and standard deviation of the first 4 elements # of each group new_values = np.zeros((len(df_ss_grouped), 3)) # loop over df_ss_grouped with enumerate for i, clt_id in enumerate(df_ss_grouped): ave_score = np.mean(clt_id[1]["score"].iloc[:4]) std_score = np.std(clt_id[1]["score"].iloc[:4]) new_values[i] = [ave_score, std_score, clt_id[0]] # get the index that sorts the array by the first column clt_ranks = np.argsort(new_values[:, 0]) # the ranked clusters are the third column of the new_values array clt_sorted = new_values[clt_ranks, 2] clt_ranks_dict = {clt_sorted[i]: i + 1 for i in range(len(clt_sorted))} # adjust clustering values if there are clusters if list(np.unique(df_ss["cluster_id"])) != ["-"]: df_ss['model-cluster_ranking'] = df_ss.groupby('cluster_id')['score'].rank(ascending=True).astype(int) # noqa : E501 # assign to the values of cluster_ranking the corresponding clt_ranks df_ss["cluster_ranking"] = df_ss["cluster_id"].apply(lambda x: clt_ranks_dict[x]) # noqa : E501 # assign to the column caprieval_rank the index of the dataframe df_ss.index = range(1, len(df_ss) + 1) df_ss["caprieval_rank"] = df_ss.index return df_ss, clt_ranks_dict
[docs]def rewrite_capri_tables( caprieval_folder: str, clt_dic: dict, outdir: str, ) -> None: """Rewrite the capri tables with new values. Parameters ---------- caprieval_folder : str Path to the capriveal folder to be changed clt_dic : dict Data for each cluster outdir : str Output directory """ capri_ss = Path(caprieval_folder, "capri_ss.tsv") capri_clt = Path(caprieval_folder, "capri_clt.tsv") if not capri_ss.exists() or not capri_clt.exists(): # raise warning and exit log.warning("Capri evaluation files not found. Skipping...") return # ss file df_ss = read_capri_table(capri_ss) for cl in clt_dic: models = [ f"../{model.path.split('/')[-1]}/{model.file_name}" for model in clt_dic[cl] ] # all the models should now have the cluster_id field df_ss.loc[df_ss['model'].isin(models), 'cluster_id'] = cl # delete all the models that are not in the clusters df_ss = df_ss[df_ss['cluster_id'] != "-"] # assign cluster_ranking to cluster_id (aka random assignment) df_ss['cluster_ranking'] = df_ss['cluster_id'] # handle ss file df_ss, clt_ranks_dict = handle_ss_file(df_ss) # save capri_ss file capri_ss_file = Path(outdir, "capri_ss.tsv")"Saving capri_ss file to {capri_ss_file}") df_ss.to_csv(capri_ss_file, sep="\t", index=False) # retrieve df_clt object df_clt = handle_clt_file(df_ss, clt_ranks_dict) # save capri_clt file capri_clt_file = Path(outdir, "capri_clt.tsv")"Saving capri_clt file to {capri_clt_file}") df_clt.to_csv(capri_clt_file, sep="\t", index=False, float_format='%.3f') return
[docs]def look_for_capri(run_dir: str, module_id: int) -> Union[Path, None]: """Look for capri evaluation files previous to clustfcc_dir. Parameters ---------- run_dir : str Path to the haddock3 run directory module_id : int Id of the module. Returns ------- capri_eval : Path Path to the capri evaluation file """ prev_modules_id = range(1, module_id) prev_modules = get_module_steps_folders(run_dir, prev_modules_id) # remove possible interactive modules prev_modules = [ mod for mod in prev_modules if not mod.endswith("interactive") ] # analysis modules ana_modules = get_steps_without_pdbs(run_dir, prev_modules) # loop over the reversed list of previous modules capri_folder = None for prev_module in reversed(prev_modules):"prev_module {prev_module}") if prev_module.endswith("caprieval"): # caprieval module found before any module that generates models capri_folder = Path(run_dir, prev_module) break elif prev_module not in ana_modules: break else: continue"capri_folder {capri_folder}") return capri_folder
[docs]def handle_clt_file(df_ss, clt_ranks_dict): """Handle capri.clt file. Parameters ---------- df_ss : pd.DataFrame The caprieval ss data. clt_ranks_dict : dict New cluster ranking dictionary. Reclustering modifies the cluster data, so capri_clt.tsv must be updated. """ capri_keys = ["score", "irmsd", "fnat", "lrmsd", "dockq"] model_keys = ["air", "bsa", "desolv", "elec", "total", "vdw"] df_ss_grouped = df_ss.groupby("cluster_id") # loop over df_ss_grouped cl_data = [] for clt_id in df_ss_grouped: cl_rank = clt_ranks_dict[clt_id[0]] # the rank of the cluster is the key data = [cl_rank, clt_id[0], clt_id[1].shape[0], "-", ] # updating capri quantities for column in capri_keys: ave_score = np.mean(clt_id[1][column].iloc[:4]) std_score = np.std(clt_id[1][column].iloc[:4]) data.extend([ave_score, std_score]) # updating model quantities for column in model_keys: ave_score = np.mean(clt_id[1][column].iloc[:4]) std_score = np.std(clt_id[1][column].iloc[:4]) data.extend([ave_score, std_score]) cl_data.append(data) # create the dataframe capri_clt_columns = ["cluster_rank", "cluster_id", "n", "under_eval"] for column in capri_keys: capri_clt_columns.append(f"{column}") capri_clt_columns.append(f"{column}_std") for column in model_keys: capri_clt_columns.append(f"{column}") capri_clt_columns.append(f"{column}_std") # capri_clt_columns.append("caprieval_rank") df_clt = pd.DataFrame(cl_data, columns=capri_clt_columns) df_clt.sort_values(by="score", inplace=True) df_clt.index = range(1, len(df_clt) + 1) df_clt["caprieval_rank"] = df_clt.index # df_clt.sort_values(by="caprieval_rank", inplace=True) return df_clt