Source code for haddock.libs.libio

"""Lib I/O."""
import contextlib
import glob
import gzip
import os
import stat
import tarfile
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pathlib import Path

import yaml

from haddock import log
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.libs.libontology import PDBFile
from haddock.libs.libutil import sort_numbered_paths

[docs]def clean_suffix(ext: str) -> str: """ Remove the preffix dot of an extension if exists. Parameters ---------- ext : str The extension string. Examples -------- >>> clean_suffix('.pdb') 'pdb' >>> clean_suffix('pdb') 'pdb' """ return ext.lstrip(r".")
[docs]def dot_suffix(ext: str) -> str: """ Add the dot preffix to an extension if missing. Parameters ---------- ext : str The extension string. Examples -------- >>> clean_suffix('.pdb') '.pdb' >>> clean_suffix('pdb') '.pdb' """ return "." + clean_suffix(ext)
[docs]def read_lines(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Open the file and read lines for the decorated function. Send to the decorated function the lines of the file in the form of list. """ def wrapper(fpath: FilePath, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: lines = Path(fpath).read_text().split(os.linesep) return func(lines, *args, **kwargs) # manual wrapping for displaying documentation properly wrapper.original = func # type: ignore wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapper
[docs]def read_from_yaml(yaml_file: FilePath) -> dict[Any, Any]: """ Read a YAML file to a dictionary. Used internally to read HADDOCK3's default configuration files. Parameters ---------- yaml_file : str or Path Path to the YAML file. Returns ------- dict Always returns a dictionary. Returns empty dictionary if yaml_file is empty. """ with open(yaml_file, "r") as fin: ycfg = yaml.safe_load(fin) # ycfg is None if yaml_file is empty # returns an empty dictionary to comply with HADDOCK workflow if ycfg is None: return {} assert isinstance(ycfg, dict), type(ycfg) return ycfg
[docs]def open_files_to_lines(*files: FilePath) -> list[list[str]]: """ Open files to lines. New-lines are stripped. Returns ------- list of lists of strings The lines of the files. Input order is maintained. """ f_paths = map(Path, files) return [f.read_text().split(os.linesep) for f in f_paths]
[docs]def save_lines_to_files( files: Iterable[FilePath], lines: Iterable[Iterable[str]] ) -> None: """ Save a list of list of lines to files. The first list of strings in `lines` will be saved in the first file of `files`, and so on. Lines are saved using `pathlib.Path.write_text` function. Parameters ---------- files : list The list of file names to save. lines : list of lists of str A list containing lists of lines that are the file contents. Must be synched with `files`. """ for file_, content in zip(files, lines): Path(file_).write_text(os.linesep.join(content) + os.linesep) return
[docs]def add_suffix_to_files( files: Iterable[FilePath], suffix: str ) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: """ Add a suffix to file paths. Yields ------ pathlib.Path objects Exhausts when files exhaust. """ for file_ in files: p = Path(file_) folder = p.parent psuffix = p.suffix name = p.stem + suffix + psuffix path = Path(folder, name) yield path
[docs]def write_dic_to_file( data_dict: Mapping[Any, Any], output_fname: FilePath, info_header: str = "", sep: str = "\t", ) -> None: """ Create a table from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data_dict : dict Dictionary to write. output_fname : str or Path Name of the output file. info_header : str Header to write before the data. """ header = "\t".join(data_dict.keys()) if info_header: header = info_header + os.linesep + header with open(output_fname, "w") as out_fh: out_fh.write(header + os.linesep) row_l: list[str] = [] for element in data_dict: value = data_dict[element] if isinstance(value, Path): row_l.append(str(value)) elif isinstance(value, PDBFile): row_l.append(str(value.rel_path)) elif isinstance(value, int): row_l.append(f"{value}") elif isinstance(value, str): row_l.append(f"{value}") elif value is None: row_l.append("-") else: row_l.append(f"{value:.3f}") out_fh.write(sep.join(row_l) + os.linesep)
[docs]def write_nested_dic_to_file( data_dict: Mapping[Any, Any], output_fname: FilePath, info_header: str = "", sep: str = "\t", ) -> None: """ Create a table from a nested dictionary. Parameters ---------- data_dict : dict Dictionary to write. output_fname : str or Path Name of the output file. Notes ----- This function is used to write nested dictionaries. {int: {key: value}}, the int key will be discarded. """ first_key = list(data_dict.keys())[0] header = "\t".join(data_dict[first_key].keys()) if info_header: header = info_header + os.linesep + header with open(output_fname, "w") as out_fh: out_fh.write(header + os.linesep) for row in data_dict: row_l: list[str] = [] for element in data_dict[row]: value = data_dict[row][element] if isinstance(value, Path): row_l.append(str(value)) elif isinstance(value, PDBFile): row_l.append(str(value.rel_path)) elif isinstance(value, int): row_l.append(f"{value}") elif isinstance(value, str): row_l.append(f"{value}") elif value is None: row_l.append("-") else: row_l.append(f"{value:.3f}") out_fh.write(sep.join(row_l) + os.linesep)
# thanks to @brianjimenez
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def working_directory(path: FilePath) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Change working directory and returns to previous on exit.""" prev_cwd = Path.cwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prev_cwd)
[docs]def compress_files_ext( path: FilePath, ext: str, ncores: int = 1, **kwargs: Any ) -> bool: """ Compress all files with same extension in folder to `.gz`. Do not archive the files in TAR, only compress files individually. Parameters ---------- path : str or :external:py:class:`pathlib.Path` The folder containing the files. ext : str The extension of the files. **kwargs : anything Arguments passed to :py:func:`gzip_files`. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if files with ``ext`` were found and the compressed `.gz` files created. ``False`` if no files with ``ext`` were found and, hence, the `.gz` files were not created. """ files = glob_folder(path, ext) gzip_ready = partial(gzip_files, **kwargs) if files: with Pool(ncores) as pool: imap = pool.imap_unordered(gzip_ready, files) for _ in imap: pass return True return False
[docs]def gzip_files( file_: FilePath, block_size: Optional[int] = None, compresslevel: int = 9, remove_original: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Gzip a file. Parameters ---------- file_ : str or :external:py:class:`pathlib.Path` The path to the file to compress. block_size : int The block size to treat per cycle. Defaults to 200MB (2*10**8 (2*10**8). compresslevel : int The compress level. Defaults to 9. """ if block_size is None: block_size = 2 * 10**8 gfile = str(file_) + ".gz" with open(file_, "rb") as fin, gfile, mode="wb", compresslevel=compresslevel ) as gout: content = # read the first while content: gout.write(content) content = if remove_original: Path(file_).unlink()
[docs]def archive_files_ext(path: FilePath, ext: str, compresslevel: int = 9) -> bool: """ Archive all files with same extension in folder. Parameters ---------- path : str or :external:py:class:`pathlib.Path` The folder containing the files. ext : str The extension of the files. compresslevel : int The compression level. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if files with ``ext`` were found and the Zip files created. ``False`` if no files with ``ext`` were found and, hence, the Zip files was not created. """ files = glob_folder(path, clean_suffix(ext)) ext = clean_suffix(ext) if files: with Path(path, f"{ext}.tgz"), mode="w:gz", compresslevel=compresslevel, ) as tarout: for file_ in files: tarout.add(file_, return True return False
[docs]def glob_folder(folder: FilePath, ext: str) -> list[Path]: """ List files with extention `ext` in `folder`. Does NOT perform recursive search. Parameters ---------- folder : str The path to the folder to investigate. ext : str The file extention. Can be with or without the dot [.] preffix. Returns ------- list of Path objects SORTED list of matching results. """ ext = f"*{dot_suffix(ext)}" files = glob.glob(str(Path(folder, ext))) return sort_numbered_paths(*(Path(file) for file in files))
[docs]def remove_files_with_ext(folder: FilePath, ext: str) -> None: """ Remove files with ``ext`` in folder. Parameters ---------- folder : str The path to the folder. ext : str The extention of files to delete. Can be with or without the dot ``.`` preffix. """ files = sort_numbered_paths(*glob_folder(folder, ext)) # if there are no files, the for loop won't run. for file_ in files: log.debug(f"removing: {file_}") file_.unlink()
[docs]def folder_exists( path: FilePath, exception: type[Exception] = ValueError, emsg: str = "The folder {!r} does not exist or is not a folder.", ) -> Path: """ Assert if a folder exist. Parameters ---------- path : str or pathlib.Path The path to the folder. exception : Exception The Exception to raise in case `path` is not file or does not exist. emsg : str The error message to give to `exception`. May accept formatting to pass `path`. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The Path representation of the input ``path`` if condition is true. Raises ------ Exception Any exception that pathlib.Path can raise. """ p = Path(path) valid = [p.exists, p.is_dir] if all(f() for f in valid): return p # don't change to f-strings, .format has a purpose raise exception(emsg.format(str(path)))
[docs]def file_exists( path: FilePath, exception: type[Exception] = ValueError, emsg: str = "`path` is not a file or does not exist", ) -> Path: """ Assert if file exist. Parameters ---------- path : str or pathlib.Path The file path. exception : Exception The Exception to raise in case `path` is not file or does not exist. emsg : str The error message to give to `exception`. May accept formatting to pass `path`. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The Path representation of the input ``path`` if condition is true. Raises ------ Exception Any exception that pathlib.Path can raise. """ p = Path(path) valid = [p.exists, p.is_file] if all(f() for f in valid): return p # don't change to f-strings, .format has a purpose raise exception(emsg.format(str(path)))
[docs]def pdb_path_exists(pdb_path: Path) -> tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """ Check if a pdb path exists. If not, checks for the existence of a gzipped pdb file and informs the user that the file is gzipped Parameters ---------- pdb_path : pathlib.Path path to the pdb Returns ------- exists : bool True if file exists msg : str or None the error message """ exists, msg = True, None if not pdb_path.exists(): msg = f"PDB file {pdb_path} not found." gz_pdb_path = pdb_path.with_suffix(pdb_path.suffix + ".gz") if gz_pdb_path.exists(): msg += f" A compressed file ({gz_pdb_path}) exists though." msg += "Use haddock3-unpack to unpack the run." exists = False return exists, msg
[docs]def get_perm(fname: FilePath) -> int: """Get permissions of file.""" # return stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(fname)[stat.ST_MODE])
[docs]def make_writeable_recursive(path: FilePath) -> None: """ Add writing to a folder, its subfolders and files. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path The path to add writing permissions. """ # for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False): for dir_ in (os.path.join(root, d) for d in dirs): os.chmod(dir_, get_perm(dir_) | stat.S_IWUSR) for file_ in (os.path.join(root, f) for f in files): os.chmod(file_, get_perm(file_) | stat.S_IWUSR)