Source code for haddock.modules.analysis.clustrmsd.clustrmsd

"""RMSD clustering."""
import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster, linkage

from haddock import log
from haddock.libs.libontology import RMSDFile

[docs]def get_matrix_path(rmsd_matrix: RMSDFile) -> Path: """From an RMSDFile object returns the rmsd matrix path. Parameters ---------- rmsd_matrix : :obj:`RMSDFile` RMSDFile object with the path to the RMSD matrix. Returns ------- matrix_fpath : Path Path to the RMSD matrix Raises ------ TypeError If input rmsd_matrix is not of type RMSDFile """ if not isinstance(rmsd_matrix, RMSDFile): err = f"{type(rmsd_matrix)} is not a RMSDFile object." raise TypeError(err) matrix_fpath = Path(rmsd_matrix.path, rmsd_matrix.file_name) return matrix_fpath
[docs]def write_clusters(clusters, cluster_arr, models, rmsd_matrix, out_filename="cluster.out", centers=False): # noqa: E501 """ Write the clusters to a file. Parameters ---------- clusters : list List of clusters to write. cluster_arr : np.array Array with the cluster assignment for each model. models : list List of models. rmsd_matrix : np.array RMSD matrix. out_filename : str, optional Output filename. The default is "cluster.out". centers : bool, optional Whether to calculate the cluster centers. The default is False. Returns ------- clt_dic : :obj:`dict` Dictionary with the clusters. cluster_centers : :obj:`dict` Dictionary with the cluster ID as key and the cluster center as value. """ n_obs = len(cluster_arr) cluster_centers = {} # preparing output clt_dic = {}'Saving output to {out_filename}') cluster_out = Path(out_filename) with open(cluster_out, 'w') as fh: for cl_id in clusters: if cl_id != -1: npw = np.where(cluster_arr == cl_id)[0] clt_dic[cl_id] = [models[n] for n in npw] fh.write(f"Cluster {cl_id} -> ") # find the cluster center if centers: clt_center = get_cluster_center(npw, n_obs, rmsd_matrix) cluster_centers[cl_id] = models[clt_center].file_name # write the cluster for el in npw[:-1]: fh.write(f"{el + 1} ") fh.write(f"{npw[-1] + 1}") fh.write(os.linesep) return clt_dic, cluster_centers
[docs]def read_matrix(rmsd_matrix: RMSDFile) -> np.ndarray: """ Read the RMSD matrix. Parameters ---------- rmsd_matrix : :obj:`RMSDFile` RMSDFile object with the path to the RMSD matrix. Returns ------- matrix : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Numpy array with the RMSD matrix. """ filename = get_matrix_path(rmsd_matrix) # count lines nlines = sum(1 for line in open(filename))"input rmsd matrix has {nlines} entries") # must be a 1D condensed distance matrix d = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nlines * 2))) if (d * (d - 1) / 2) != nlines: err = f"{nlines} is not a valid binomial coefficient" raise ValueError(err) if nlines != rmsd_matrix.npairs: err = f"number of pairs {nlines} != expected ({rmsd_matrix.npairs})" raise ValueError(err) # creating and filling matrix obj matrix = np.zeros((nlines)) c = 0 with open(filename, "r") as mf: for line in mf: data = line.split() if len(data) != 3: raise ValueError(f"line {line} malformed") else: matrix[[c]] = float(data[2]) c += 1 return np.array(matrix)
[docs]def get_dendrogram(rmsd_matrix, linkage_type): """Get and save the dendrogram. Parameters ---------- rmsd_matrix : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Numpy array with the RMSD matrix. linkage_type : str Linkage type for the clustering. Returns ------- Z : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Numpy array with the dendrogram. """ Z = linkage(rmsd_matrix, linkage_type) np.savetxt("dendrogram.txt", Z, fmt='%.5f') return Z
[docs]def get_clusters(dendrogram, tolerance, criterion): """Obtain the clusters.""""Clustering dendrogram...") cluster_arr = fcluster(dendrogram, t=tolerance, criterion=criterion) return cluster_arr
[docs]def apply_min_population( cluster_arr: np.ndarray, min_population: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply min_population to cluster list. Parameters ---------- cluster_arr : np.ndarray Array of clusters. min_population : int min_population value on cluster population. Returns ------- cluster_arr : np.ndarray Array of clusters (unclustered structures are labelled with -1) """ new_cluster_arr = cluster_arr.copy()"Applying min_population {min_population} to cluster list") cluster_pops = np.unique(cluster_arr, return_counts=True) uncl_idx = np.where(cluster_pops[1] < min_population)[0] invalid_clusters = cluster_pops[0][uncl_idx]"Invalid clusters: {invalid_clusters}") # replacing invalid clusters with -1 uncl_models = 0 for cl_idx, cl_id in enumerate(new_cluster_arr): if cl_id in invalid_clusters: new_cluster_arr[cl_idx] = -1 uncl_models += 1"min_population applied, {uncl_models} models left unclustered") return new_cluster_arr
[docs]def iterate_min_population( cluster_arr: np.ndarray, min_population: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Find one valid valuster satisfying the min_population parameter. Logic: Iterate over the min_population values until we find at least one valid cluster. Parameters ---------- cluster_arr : np.ndarray Array of clusters. min_population : int min_population value on cluster population. Returns ------- new_cluster_arr : np.ndarray Array of clusters (unclustered structures are labelled with -1) """ new_cluster_arr: np.ndarray = np.ndarray([]) for curr_thr in range(min_population, 0, -1):"Clustering with min_population={curr_thr}") new_cluster_arr = apply_min_population(cluster_arr, curr_thr) ncl = len(np.unique(new_cluster_arr)) if -1 in new_cluster_arr: # contains -1 (unclustered) ncl -= 1 # if no clusters found, try with a lower min_population if ncl == 0: log.warning(f'No clusters found with min_population={curr_thr}') else: break return new_cluster_arr, curr_thr
[docs]def cond_index(i: int, j: int, n: int) -> float: """ Get the condensed index from two matrix indexes. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of the first element. j : int Index of the second element. n : int Number of observations. """ return n * (n - 1) / 2 - (n - i) * (n - i - 1) / 2 + j - i - 1
[docs]def get_cluster_center( npw: np.ndarray, n_obs: int, rmsd_matrix: np.ndarray, ) -> int: """ Get the cluster centers. Parameters ---------- npw: np.ndarray Indexes of the cluster over cluster_list array n_obs : int Number of overall observations (models). rmsd_matrix : np.ndarray RMSD matrix. Returns ------- cluster_center : int Index of cluster center """ intra_cl_distances = {el: 0.0 for el in npw} # iterating over the elements of the cluster for m_idx in range(len(npw)): npws = npw[m_idx + 1:] pairs = [int(cond_index(npw[m_idx], npw_el, n_obs)) for npw_el in npws] for pair_idx in range(len(pairs)): intra_cl_distances[npw[m_idx]] += rmsd_matrix[pairs[pair_idx]] intra_cl_distances[npws[pair_idx]] += rmsd_matrix[pairs[pair_idx]] cluster_center = min(intra_cl_distances, key=intra_cl_distances.get) # type: ignore # noqa : E501 return cluster_center
[docs]def write_clustrmsd_file(clusters, clt_dic, cluster_centers, score_dic, sorted_score_dic, params, output_fname='clustrmsd.txt'): # noqa E501 """ Write the clustrmsd.txt file. Parameters ---------- clusters : np.ndarray Array of clusters. clt_dic : dict Dictionary with the clusters. cluster_centers : dict Dictionary with the cluster centers. score_dic : dict Dictionary with the scores. sorted_score_dic : dict Dictionary with the sorted scores. params : dict Dictionary with the clustering parameters. output_fname : str Output filename. """ # Prepare clustrmsd.txt output_str = f'### clustrmsd output ###{os.linesep}' output_str += os.linesep output_str += f'Clustering parameters {os.linesep}' output_str += f"> linkage_type={params['linkage']}{os.linesep}" output_str += f"> criterion={params['criterion']}{os.linesep}" if params['criterion'] == "distance": output_str += f"> clust_cutoff={params['clust_cutoff']:.2f}{os.linesep}" else: output_str += f"> n_clusters={params['n_clusters']}{os.linesep}" output_str += f"> min_population={params['min_population']}{os.linesep}" output_str += os.linesep output_str += ( f"-----------------------------------------------{os.linesep}") output_str += os.linesep output_str += f'Total # of clusters: {len(clusters)}{os.linesep}' for cluster_rank, _e in enumerate(sorted_score_dic, start=1): cluster_id, _ = _e model_score_l = [(e.score, e) for e in clt_dic[cluster_id]] model_score_l.sort() top_score = score_dic[cluster_id] output_str += ( f"{os.linesep}" "-----------------------------------------------" f"{os.linesep}" f"Cluster {cluster_rank} (#{cluster_id}, " f"n={len(model_score_l)}, " f"top{params['min_population']}_avg_score = {top_score:.2f})" f"{os.linesep}") output_str += os.linesep output_str += f'clt_rank\tmodel_name\tscore{os.linesep}' for model_ranking, element in enumerate(model_score_l, start=1): score, pdb = element output_str += ( f"{model_ranking}\t{pdb.file_name}\t{score:.2f}" ) if cluster_centers: # is the model the cluster center? if pdb.file_name == cluster_centers[cluster_id]: output_str += "\t*" output_str += (f"{os.linesep}") output_str += ( "-----------------------------------------------" f"{os.linesep}")'Saving detailed output to clustrmsd.txt') with open(output_fname, 'w') as out_fh: out_fh.write(output_str)