Source code for haddock.modules.analysis.contactmap.contmap

"""Module computing contact maps of complexes, alone or grouped by cluster.

Chord diagram functions were adapted from:

import os
import glob
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

from haddock import log
from haddock.libs.libontology import PDBFile
from haddock.libs.libpdb import (
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.libs.libplots import heatmap_plotly, fig_to_html

# Global variable definitions #
    "CYS": "polar",
    "HIS": "polar",
    "ASN": "polar",
    "GLN": "polar",
    "SER": "polar",
    "THR": "polar",
    "TYR": "polar",
    "TRP": "polar",
    "ALA": "apolar",
    "PHE": "apolar",
    "GLY": "apolar",
    "ILE": "apolar",
    "VAL": "apolar",
    "MET": "apolar",
    "PRO": "apolar",
    "LEU": "apolar",
    "GLU": "negative",
    "ASP": "negative",
    "LYS": "positive",
    "ARG": "positive",
    "A": "negative",
    "DA": "negative",
    "T": "negative",
    "DT": "negative",
    "U": "negative",
    "DU": "negative",
    "C": "negative",
    "DC": "negative",
    "G": "negative",
    "DG": "negative",

PI = np.pi

# Define interaction types colors
    "polar-polar": (153, 255, 153),
    "polar-apolar": (255, 204, 204),
    "polar-negative": (255, 204, 153),
    "polar-positive": (153, 204, 255),
    "apolar-apolar": (255, 255, 0),
    "apolar-negative": (255, 229, 204),
    "apolar-positive": (204, 229, 255),
    "negative-negative": (255, 127, 0),
    "negative-positive": (0, 204, 0),
    "positive-positive": (255, 127, 0),
# Also add reversed keys order
    '-'.join(k.split('-')[::-1]): v
    for k, v in CONNECT_COLORS.items()

# Colors for each amino-acids
    "CYS": "rgba(229, 255, 204, 0.80)",
    "MET": "rgba(229, 255, 204, 0.80)",
    "ASN": "rgba(128, 255, 0, 0.80)",
    "GLN": "rgba(128, 255, 0, 0.80)",
    "SER": "rgba(153, 255, 51, 0.80)",
    "THR": "rgba(153, 255, 51, 0.80)",
    "TYR": "rgba(204, 155, 53, 0.80)",
    "TRP": "rgba(204, 155, 53, 0.80)",
    "HIS": "rgba(204, 155, 53, 0.80)",
    "PHE": "rgba(255, 255, 51, 0.80)",
    "ALA": "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.80)",
    "ILE": "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.80)",
    "VAL": "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.80)",
    "PRO": "rgba(255, 255, 0 0.80)",
    "LEU": "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.80)",
    "GLY": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.80)",
    "GLU": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.80)",
    "ASP": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.80)",
    "LYS": "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.80)",
    "ARG": "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.80)",

# Colors for DNA / RNA
# Note: Based on WebLogo color scheme
    "A": "rgba(51, 204, 51, 0.80)",
    "T": "rgba(204, 0, 0, 0.80)",
    "U": "rgba(204, 0, 0, 0.80)",
    "C": "rgba(51, 102, 255, 0.80)",
    "G": "rgba(255, 163, 26, 0.80)",
FULL_DNARNA_COLORS = {f"D{k}": rgba for k, rgba in DNARNA_COLORS.items()}

# Combine all of them

# Chain colors
    'rgba(51, 255, 51, 0.85)',
    'rgba(51, 153, 255, 0.85)',
    'rgba(255, 153, 51, 0.85)',
    'rgba(255, 255, 51, 0.85)',
    'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.85)',
    'rgba(255, 0, 127, 0.85)',
    'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.85)',
    'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.85)',
    'rgba(0, 153, 0, 0.85)',

# Define classes #
[docs]class ContactsMapJob(SupportsRun): """A Job dedicated to the running of contact maps objects.""" def __init__( self, output, params, name, contact_obj, ): super(ContactsMapJob, self).__init__() self.params = params self.output = output = name self.contact_obj = contact_obj
[docs] def run(self): """Run this ContactMap Object Job.""" return
[docs]class ContactsMap(): """ContactMap analysis for single structure.""" def __init__( self, model: Path, output: Path, params: dict, ) -> None: self.model = model self.output = output self.params = params self.files: dict[str, Union[str, Path]] = {}
[docs] def run(self): """Process analysis of contacts of a PDB structure.""" # Load pdb pdb_dt = extract_pdb_dt(self.model) # Extract all cordinates all_coords, resid_keys, resid_dt = get_ordered_coords(pdb_dt) # Compute distance matrix full_dist_matrix = compute_distance_matrix(all_coords) res_res_contacts = [] all_heavy_interchain_contacts = [] # First loop over residues for ri, reskey_1 in enumerate(resid_keys): # Second loop over residues (half matrix only) for _rj, reskey_2 in enumerate(resid_keys[ri + 1:], start=ri + 1): # Extract data contact_dt = gen_contact_dt( full_dist_matrix, resid_dt, reskey_1, reskey_2, ) res_res_contacts.append(contact_dt) # Extract interchain heavy atoms data if reskey_2.split('-')[0] == reskey_1.split('-')[0]: continue heavy_atoms_contacts = extract_heavyatom_contacts( full_dist_matrix, resid_dt, reskey_1, reskey_2, contact_distance=self.params['shortest_dist_threshold'], ) all_heavy_interchain_contacts += heavy_atoms_contacts # generate outputs for single models if self.params['single_model_analysis']: self.generate_output( res_res_contacts, all_heavy_interchain_contacts, ) return res_res_contacts, all_heavy_interchain_contacts
[docs] def generate_output( self, res_res_contacts: list[dict], all_heavy_interchain_contacts: list[dict], ) -> None: """Generate several outputs based on contacts. Parameters ---------- res_res_contacts : list[dict] List of residue-residue contacts all_heavy_interchain_contacts : list[dict] List of heavy atoms interchain contacts """ # write contacts tsv files header = ['res1', 'res2'] header += [ v for v in sorted(res_res_contacts[0]) if v not in header ] fpath = write_res_contacts( res_res_contacts, header, f'{self.output}_contacts.tsv', interchain_data={ 'path': f'{self.output}_interchain_contacts.tsv', 'data_key': 'ca-ca-dist', 'contact_threshold': self.params['ca_ca_dist_threshold'], } )'Generated contacts file: {fpath}') self.files['res-res-contacts'] = fpath # Genreate corresponding heatmap if self.params['generate_heatmap']: heatmap = tsv_to_heatmap( fpath, data_key='ca-ca-dist', contact_threshold=self.params['ca_ca_dist_threshold'], colorscale=self.params['color_ramp'], output_fname=f'{self.output}_heatmap.html', offline=self.params["offline"], )'Generated single model heatmap file: {heatmap}') self.files['res-res-contactmap'] = heatmap # Generate corresponding chord chart if self.params['generate_chordchart']: # find theshold type if self.params['chordchart_datatype'] == 'ca-ca-dist': threshold = self.params['ca_ca_dist_threshold'] else: threshold = self.params['shortest_dist_threshold'] chordp = tsv_to_chordchart( fpath, data_key=self.params['chordchart_datatype'], contact_threshold=threshold, output_fname=f'{self.output}_chordchart.html', filter_intermolecular_contacts=True, title=Path(self.output).stem.replace('_', ' '), offline=self.params["offline"], )'Generated single model chordchart file: {chordp}') self.files['res-res-chordchart'] = chordp # Write interchain heavy atoms contacts tsv file header2 = ['atom1', 'atom2', 'dist'] fpath2 = write_res_contacts( all_heavy_interchain_contacts, header2, f'{self.output}_heavyatoms_interchain_contacts.tsv', )'Generated contacts file: {fpath2}') self.files['atom-atom-interchain-contacts'] = fpath2
[docs]class ClusteredContactMap(): """ContactMap analysis for set of clustered structures.""" def __init__( self, models: list[Path], output: Path, params: dict, ) -> None: self.models = models self.output = output self.params = params self.files: dict[str, Union[str, Path]] = {} self.terminated = False
[docs] @staticmethod def aggregate_contacts( contacts_holder: dict, contact_keys: list[str], contacts: list[dict], key1: str, key2: str, ) -> None: """Aggregate single models data belonging to a cluster. Parameters ---------- contacts_holder : dict Dictionnary holding list of contact data contact_keys : list[str] Order of the keys to access the dictionnary contacts : list[dict] Singel model contact data. key1 : str Name of the key to access first entry in data. key2 : str Name of the key to access second entry in data. """ # Parse outputs to aggregate contacts in `clusters_contacts` for cont in contacts: # Check key combined_key = f'{cont[key2]}/{cont[key1]}' # resversed if combined_key not in contacts_holder.keys(): combined_key = f'{cont[key1]}/{cont[key2]}' # normal if combined_key not in contacts_holder.keys(): # Add key order contact_keys.append(combined_key) # Initiate key contacts_holder[combined_key] = { k: [] for k in cont.keys() if k not in [key1, key2] } # Add data for dtk in contacts_holder[combined_key].keys(): contacts_holder[combined_key][dtk].append(cont[dtk])
[docs] def run(self): """Process analysis of contacts of a set of PDB structures.""" # initiate holding variables clusters_contacts = {} # Residue-residue contacts resres_keys_list = [] # Ordered residue-residue contacts keys clusters_heavyatm_contacts = {} # Interchain atom-atom contacts atat_keys_list = [] # Ordered interchain atom-atom contacts keys # loop over models/structures for pdb_path in self.models: # initiate object contact_map_obj = ContactsMap( pdb_path, f'{self.output}_{pdb_path.stem}', self.params, ) # Run it pdb_contacts, interchain_heavy_contacts = # Parse outputs to aggregate contacts in `clusters_contacts` self.aggregate_contacts( clusters_contacts, resres_keys_list, pdb_contacts, "res1", "res2", ) # Parse outputs for heavy atoms contacts self.aggregate_contacts( clusters_heavyatm_contacts, atat_keys_list, interchain_heavy_contacts, "atom1", "atom2", ) # Initiate heavy atoms contact cluster aggrated data heavy_atm_clust_list = [] for atatk in atat_keys_list: at1, at2 = atatk.split('/') # point corresponding list of distances h_dists = clusters_heavyatm_contacts[atatk]['dist'] # Summerize it heavy_atm_clust_list.append({ "atom1": at1, "atom2": at2, "nb_dists": len(h_dists), "avg_dist": round(np.mean(h_dists), 2), "std_dist": round(np.std(h_dists), 2), }) # write contacts header = ['atom1', 'atom2'] header += [ v for v in sorted(heavy_atm_clust_list[0]) if v not in header ] hfpath = write_res_contacts( heavy_atm_clust_list, header, f'{self.output}_heavyatoms_interchain_contacts.tsv', )'Generated heavy atoms interchain contacts file: {hfpath}') # Initiate cluster aggregated data holder combined_clusters_list = [] # Loop over ordered keys for combined_key in resres_keys_list: # point data dt = clusters_contacts[combined_key] # Compute averages Ca-Ca distances avg_ca_ca_dist = np.mean(dt['ca-ca-dist']) # Compute nb. times cluster members holds a value under threshold ca_ca_under_thresh = [ v for v in dt['ca-ca-dist'] if v <= self.params['ca_ca_dist_threshold'] ] nb_under = len(ca_ca_under_thresh) # Compute probability ca_ca_cont_probability = nb_under / len(dt['ca-ca-dist']) # Compute averages for shortest distances avg_shortest = np.mean(dt['shortest-dist']) # Generate list of shortest distances observed between two residues short_under_threshold = [ v for v in dt['shortest-dist'] if v <= self.params['shortest_dist_threshold'] ] short_nb_und = len(short_under_threshold) # Compute nb. time the cluster members holds a value under threshold short_cont_proba = short_nb_und / len(dt['shortest-dist']) # Find most representative contact type cont_ts = list(set(dt['contact-type'])) # Decreasing sorting of cluster contact types and pick highest one cont_t = sorted( cont_ts, key=lambda k: cont_ts.count(k), reverse=True, )[0] # Split key to recover resiudes names res1, res2 = combined_key.split('/') # Hold summary data for cluster combined_clusters_list.append({ 'res1': res1, 'res2': res2, 'ca-ca-dist': round(avg_ca_ca_dist, 1), 'ca-ca-cont-probability': round(ca_ca_cont_probability, 2), 'shortest-dist': round(avg_shortest, 1), 'shortest-cont-probability': round(short_cont_proba, 2), 'contact-type': cont_t, }) # write contacts header = ['res1', 'res2'] header += [ v for v in sorted(combined_clusters_list[0]) if v not in header ] fpath = write_res_contacts( combined_clusters_list, header, f'{self.output}_contacts.tsv', interchain_data={ 'path': f'{self.output}_interchain_contacts.tsv', 'data_key': 'ca-ca-dist', 'contact_threshold': self.params['ca_ca_dist_threshold'], } )'Generated contacts file: {fpath}') self.files['res-res-contacts'] = fpath self.files['atom-atom-interchain-contacts'] = f'{self.output}_interchain_contacts.tsv' # noqa : E501 # Generate corresponding heatmap if self.params['generate_heatmap']: heatmap_path = tsv_to_heatmap( fpath, data_key=self.params['cluster_heatmap_datatype'], contact_threshold=1, colorscale=self.params['color_ramp'], output_fname=f'{self.output}_heatmap.html', offline=self.params["offline"], )'Generated cluster contacts heatmap: {heatmap_path}') self.files['res-res-contactmap'] = heatmap_path # Generate corresponding chord chart if self.params['generate_chordchart']: # find theshold type if self.params['chordchart_datatype'] == 'ca-ca-dist': threshold = self.params['ca_ca_dist_threshold'] else: threshold = self.params['shortest_dist_threshold'] chordp = tsv_to_chordchart( fpath, data_key=self.params['chordchart_datatype'], contact_threshold=threshold, output_fname=f'{self.output}_chordchart.html', filter_intermolecular_contacts=True, title=Path(self.output).stem.replace('_', ' '), offline=self.params["offline"], )'Generated cluster contacts chordchart file: {chordp}') self.files['res-res-chordchart'] = chordp self.terminated = True
[docs]def make_contactmap_report( contactmap_jobs: list[ContactsMapJob], outputpath: Union[str, Path], ) -> Union[str, Path]: """Generate a HTML navigation page holding all generated files. Parameters ---------- contact_jobs : list[Union[ClusteredContactMap, ContactsMap]] All the terminated jobs outputpath : Union[str, Path] Output filepath where to write the report. Returns ------- outputpath: Union[str, Path] Path to the generated report. """ ordered_files = [] # Loop over terminated jobs for job in contactmap_jobs: basepath = f"{job.output}_" # Gather all files generated by this job job_files = glob.glob(f"{basepath}*") # Sort them by file extension ext_names: dict[str, Union[str, Path]] = {} for fpath in job_files: _fname, ext = os.path.splitext(fpath) if ext not in ext_names.keys(): ext_names[ext] = [] ext_names[ext].append(fpath) # Sort each keys filepaths for ext in ext_names.keys(): ext_names[ext] = sorted( ext_names[ext], key=lambda k: k.replace(basepath, ""), ) # Get final list order sorted_jobfiles = [ fpath for ext in sorted(ext_names) for fpath in ext_names[ext] ] # Initiate html links holding list job_list: list[str] = [] # Loop over generated files for fpath in sorted_jobfiles: # Generate html link shortname = fpath.replace(basepath, "") html_string = f'<a href="{fpath}" target="_blank">{shortname}</a>' job_list.append(html_string) # Combine all links in one string job_list_combined = ', '.join(job_list) # Create final string job_access = f"<b>{}:</b> {job_list_combined}" # Hold that guy ordered_files.append(job_access) # Combine all jobs outputs as a list all_access = '</li>\n <li>'.join(ordered_files) # Generate small html file htmldt = f""" <div id="contactmap_report"> <ul> <li> {all_access} </li> </ul> </div> """ # Write it with open(outputpath, 'w') as reportout: reportout.write(htmldt)'Generated report file: {outputpath}') # Return generate outputfilepath return outputpath
[docs]def get_clusters_sets(models: list[PDBFile]) -> dict: """Split models by clusters ids. Parameters ---------- models : list List of pdb models/complexes. Return ------ clusters_sets : dict Dictionary of models acccessible by their cluster ids as keys. """ clusters_sets: dict = {} for model in models: if model.clt_id not in clusters_sets.keys(): clusters_sets[model.clt_id] = [] clusters_sets[model.clt_id].append(model) return clusters_sets
[docs]def topX_models(models: list[PDBFile], topX: int = 10) -> list[Any]: """Sort and return subset of top X best models. Parameters ---------- models : list List of pdb models/complexes. topX : int Number of models to return after sorting. Return ------ subset_bests : list List of top `X` best models. """ try: sorted_models = sorted(models, key=lambda m: m.score) except AttributeError: sorted_models = models finally: subset_bests = sorted_models[:topX] return subset_bests
#################### # Define functions # ####################
[docs]def extract_pdb_dt(path: Path) -> dict: """Read and extract ATOM/HETATM records from a pdb file. Parameters ---------- path : Path Path to a pdb file. Return ------ pdb_chains : dict A dictionary of the pdb file accesible using chains as keys. """ pdb_chains: dict = {'chain_order': []} # Read file with open(path, 'r') as f: # Loop over lines for _ in f: # Skip non ATOM / HETATM lines if not any([ _.startswith('ATOM'), _.startswith('HETATM'), ]): continue # Extract residue name resname = _[slc_resname] # Extract chain id chainid = _[slc_chainid] # Extract resid resid = _[slc_resseq].strip() # Check if chain already parsed if chainid not in pdb_chains.keys(): # Add to ordered chains pdb_chains['chain_order'].append(chainid) # Initiate new chain holder pdb_chains[chainid] = {'order': []} # Check if new resid id if resid not in pdb_chains[chainid].keys(): # Add to oredered resids pdb_chains[chainid]['order'].append(resid) # Initiate new residue holder pdb_chains[chainid][resid] = { 'index': len(pdb_chains[chainid]['order']) - 1, 'resname': resname, 'chainid': chainid, 'resid': resid, 'position': len(pdb_chains[chainid]['order']), 'atoms_order': [], 'atoms': {}, } # extract atome name atname = _[slc_name].strip() # check if not an hydrogen if atname[0] == 'H': continue # extact atome coordinates coords = extract_pdb_coords(_) pdb_chains[chainid][resid]['atoms_order'].append(atname) pdb_chains[chainid][resid]['atoms'][atname] = coords return pdb_chains
[docs]def extract_pdb_coords(line: str) -> list[float]: """Extract coordinated from a PDB line. Parameters ---------- line : str A strandard ATOM/HETATM pdb record. Return ------ coords : list[float] List of the X, Y and Z coordinate of this atom. """ x = float(line[slc_x].strip()) y = float(line[slc_y].strip()) z = float(line[slc_z].strip()) coords = [x, y, z] return coords
[docs]def get_ordered_coords( pdb_chains: dict, ) -> tuple[list[list[float]], list[str], dict]: """Generate list of all atom coordinates. Parameters ---------- pdb_chains : dict A dictionary of the pdb file accesible using chains as keys, as provided by the `extract_pdb_dt()` function. Return ------ all_coords : list[list[float]] All atomic coordinates in a single list. resid_keys : list[str] Ordered list of residues keys. resid_dt : dict Dictionary of coordinates indices for each residue. """ # Define holders all_coords = [] resid_keys = [] resid_dt = {} i = 0 # Loop over chains for chainid in pdb_chains['chain_order']: # Loop over residues of this chain for resid in pdb_chains[chainid]['order']: # create a resdiue key resname = pdb_chains[chainid][resid]['resname'] reskey = f'{chainid}-{resid}-{resname}' resdt = { 'atoms_indices': [], 'resname': resname, 'atoms_order': pdb_chains[chainid][resid]['atoms_order'], } # Loop over atoms of this residue for atname in pdb_chains[chainid][resid]['atoms_order']: # list of internal indices resdt['atoms_indices'].append(i) # index of a CA if atname == 'CA': resdt['CA'] = i # Point atome submatrix coordinates index all_coords.append(pdb_chains[chainid][resid]['atoms'][atname]) # increment atom index i += 1 resid_dt[reskey] = resdt resid_keys.append(reskey) return (all_coords, resid_keys, resid_dt)
[docs]def compute_distance_matrix(all_atm_coords: list[list[float]]) -> NDFloat: """Compute all vs all distance matrix. Paramaters ---------- all_atm_coords : list[list[float]] List of atomic coordinates. Return ------ dist_matrix : NDFloat N*N distance matrix between all coordinates. """ dist_matrix = squareform(pdist(all_atm_coords)) return dist_matrix
[docs]def extract_submatrix( matrix: NDFloat, indices: list[int], indices2: Optional[list[int]] = None, ) -> NDFloat: """Extract submatrix based on desired indices. Paramaters ---------- matrix : NDFloat A N*N matrix. indices : list[int] List of `row` indices to extract from this matrix indices2 : list[int] List of `columns` indices to extract from this matrix. if unspecified, indices2 == indices and symetric matrix is extracted. Return ------ submat : NDFloat The extracted submatrix. """ # Set second set of indices (columns) to first if not defined if not indices2: indices2 = indices # extract submatrix submat = matrix[np.ix_(indices, indices2)] return submat
[docs]def gen_contact_dt( matrix: NDFloat, resdt: dict, res1_key: str, res2_key: str, ) -> dict: """Generate contacts data. Parameters ---------- matrix : NDFloat The distance matrix. resdt : dict Residues data with atom indices as returned by `get_ordered_coords()`. res1_key : str First residue of interest. res2_key : str Second residue of interest Return ------ cont_dt : dict Dictionary holding contact data """ # point residues data res1_dt = resdt[res1_key] res2_dt = resdt[res2_key] # point ca-ca dist try: ca_ca_dist = matrix[res1_dt['CA'], res2_dt['CA']] except KeyError: ca_ca_dist = 9999 # obtain submatrix res1_res2_atm_submat = extract_submatrix( matrix, res1_dt['atoms_indices'], res2_dt['atoms_indices'], ) # obtain clostest contact clostest_contact = min_dist(res1_res2_atm_submat) # contact type cont_type = get_cont_type(res1_dt['resname'], res2_dt['resname']) # set return variable cont_dt = { 'res1': res1_key, 'res2': res2_key, 'ca-ca-dist': round(ca_ca_dist, 1), 'shortest-dist': round(clostest_contact, 1), 'contact-type': cont_type, } return cont_dt
[docs]def extract_heavyatom_contacts( matrix: NDFloat, resdt: dict, res1_key: str, res2_key: str, contact_distance: float = 4.5, ) -> list[dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: """Generate contacts data. Parameters ---------- matrix : NDFloat The distance matrix. resdt : dict Residues data with atom indices as returned by `get_ordered_coords()`. res1_key : str First residue of interest. res2_key : str Second residue of interest. contact_distance : float Distance defining a contact. Return ------ all_contacts : list[dict[str, Union[float, str]]] List holding contact data """ all_contacts: list[dict[str, Union[float, str]]] = [] # point data for first residue res1_indices = resdt[res1_key]['atoms_indices'] res1_atnames = resdt[res1_key]['atoms_order'] # point data for second residue res2_indices = resdt[res2_key]['atoms_indices'] res2_atnames = resdt[res2_key]['atoms_order'] # Loop over res1 atoms / indices for r1_atname, r1_atindex in zip(res1_atnames, res1_indices): # Loop over res2 atoms / indices for r2_atname, r2_atindex in zip(res2_atnames, res2_indices): # Point corresponding distance in matrix r1_r2_dist = matrix[r1_atindex, r2_atindex] # Check if distance <= threshold if r1_r2_dist <= contact_distance: # Hold data contactdt = { 'atom1': f'{res1_key}-{r1_atname}', 'atom2': f'{res2_key}-{r2_atname}', 'dist': r1_r2_dist, } all_contacts.append(contactdt) return all_contacts
[docs]def get_cont_type(resn1: str, resn2: str) -> str: """Generate polarity key between two residues. Parameters ---------- resn1 : str 3 letters code of fist residue. resn2 : str 3 letters code of second residue. Return ------ pol_key : str Combined residues polarities """ pol_keys: list[str] = [] for resn in [resn1, resn2]: if resn.strip() in RESIDUE_POLARITY.keys(): pol_keys.append(RESIDUE_POLARITY[resn.strip()]) else: pol_keys.append('unknow') pol_key = '-'.join(pol_keys) return pol_key
[docs]def min_dist(matrix: NDFloat) -> float: """Find minimum value in a matrix.""" return np.min(matrix)
[docs]def write_res_contacts( res_res_contacts: list[dict], header: list[str], path: Union[Path, str], sep: str = '\t', interchain_data: Union[bool, dict] = None, ) -> Path: """Write a tsv file based on residues-residues contacts data. Parameters ---------- res_res_contacts : list[dict] List of dict holding data for each residue-residue contacts. header : list[str] Ordered list of keys to access in the dicts. path : Path Path to the output file to generate. sep : str Character used to separate data within a line. Return ------ path : Path Path to the generated file. """ # define README data type content dttype_info = { 'res1': 'Chain-Resname-ResID key identifying first residue', 'res2': 'Chain-Resname-ResID key identifying second residue', 'ca-ca-dist': 'Observed distances between the two carbon alpha (Ca) atoms', 'ca-ca-cont-probability': 'Fraction of times a contact is observed under the ca-ca-dist threshold over all analysed models of the same cluster', # noqa : E501 'shortest-dist': 'Observed shortest distance between the two residues', 'shortest-cont-probability': 'Fraction of times a contact is observed under the shortest-dist threshold over all analysed models of the same cluster', # noqa : E501 'contact-type': 'ResidueType - ResidueType contact name', 'atom1': 'Chain-Resname-ResID-Atome key identifying first atom', 'atom2': 'Chain-Resname-ResID-Atome key identifying second atom', 'dist': 'Observed distance between two atoms', 'nb_dists': 'Total number of observed distances', 'avg_dist': 'Cluster average distance', 'std_dist': 'Cluster distance standard deviation', } # Check for inter chain contacts gen_interchain_tsv: bool = False if interchain_data and type(interchain_data) == dict: expected_keys = ('path', 'contact_threshold', 'data_key', ) if all([k in interchain_data.keys() for k in expected_keys]): gen_interchain_tsv = True interchain_tsvdt: list[list[str]] = [header] else: raise KeyError # initiate file content tsvdt: list[list[str]] = [header] for res_res_cont in res_res_contacts: tsvdt.append([str(res_res_cont[h]) for h in header]) if gen_interchain_tsv: chain1 = res_res_cont['res1'].split('-')[0] chain2 = res_res_cont['res2'].split('-')[0] if chain1 != chain2: dist = res_res_cont[interchain_data['data_key']] if dist < interchain_data['contact_threshold']: interchain_tsvdt.append(tsvdt[-1]) tsv_str = '\n'.join([sep.join(_) for _ in tsvdt]) # generate commented lines to be placed on top of file readme = [ '#' * 80, '# This file contains extracted contacts half-matrix information', '#' * 80, '', ] for head in header[::-1]: readme.insert(2, f'# {head}: {dttype_info[head]}') # Write file with open(path, 'w') as tsvout: tsvout.write('\n'.join(readme)) tsvout.write(tsv_str) # Write inter chain file if gen_interchain_tsv: # Modify readme readme[1] = readme[1].replace( 'contacts half-matrix', 'interchain contacts', ) # Write file with open(interchain_data['path'], 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(readme)) # Write data string f.write('\n'.join([sep.join(_) for _ in interchain_tsvdt])) return path
[docs]def tsv_to_heatmap( tsv_path: Path, sep: str = '\t', data_key: str = 'ca-ca-dist', contact_threshold: float = 7.5, colorscale: str = 'Greys', output_fname: Union[Path, str] = 'contacts.html', offline: bool = False, ) -> Union[Path, str]: """Read a tsv file and generate a heatmap from it. Paramters --------- tsv_path : Path Path a the .tsv file containing contact data. sep : str Separator character used to split data in each line. data_key : str Data key used to draw the plot. contact_threshold : float Upper boundary of maximum value to be plotted. any value above it will be set to this value. output_fname : Path Path to the generated graph. Return ------ output_filepath : Union[Path, str] Path to the generated file. """ half_matrix: list[float] = [] labels: list[str] = [] header: Union[bool, list[str]] = None with open(tsv_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: # skip commented lines if line.startswith('#'): continue # split line s_ = line.strip().split(sep) # gather header if not header: header = s_ continue # point labels label1 = s_[header.index('res1')] label2 = s_[header.index('res2')] # Add them to set of labels if label1 not in labels: labels.append(label1) if label2 not in labels: labels.append(label2) # point data value = float(s_[header.index(data_key)]) # bound data to contact_threshold bounded_value = min(value, contact_threshold) # add it to matrix half_matrix.append(bounded_value) # Genereate full matrix matrix = squareform(half_matrix) # set data label color_scale = datakey_to_colorscale(data_key, color_scale=colorscale) if 'probability' in data_key: data_label = 'probability' np.fill_diagonal(matrix, 1) else: data_label = 'distance' # Compute chains length chains_length: dict[str, int] = {} ordered_chains: list[str] = [] for label in labels: chainid = label.split('-')[0] if chainid not in chains_length.keys(): chains_length[chainid] = 0 ordered_chains.append(chainid) chains_length[chainid] += 1 # Compute chains delineations positions del_posi = [0] for chainid in ordered_chains: del_posi.append(del_posi[-1] + chains_length[chainid]) # Compute chains delineations lines chains_limits: list[dict[str, float]] = [] for delpos in del_posi: # Vertical lines chains_limits.append({ "x0": delpos - 0.5, "x1": delpos - 0.5, "y0": -0.5, "y1": len(labels) - 0.5, }) # Horizontal lines chains_limits.append({ "y0": delpos - 0.5, "y1": delpos - 0.5, "x0": -0.5, "x1": len(labels) - 0.5, }) # Generate hover template hovertemplate = ( ' %{y} &#8621; %{x} <br>' f' Contact {data_label}: %{{z}}' '<extra></extra>' ) # Generate heatmap output_filepath = heatmap_plotly( matrix, labels={'color': data_label}, xlabels=labels, ylabels=labels, color_scale=color_scale, output_fname=output_fname, offline=offline, delineation_traces=chains_limits, hovertemplate=hovertemplate, ) return output_filepath
[docs]def datakey_to_colorscale(data_key: str, color_scale: str = 'Greys') -> str: """Convert color scale into reverse if data implies to do it. data_key : str A dictionary key pointing to data type. color_scale : str Name of a base plotpy color_scale. Return ------ color_scale : str Possibly the reverse name of the color_scale. """ return f'{color_scale}_r' if 'probability' not in data_key else color_scale
###################################### # Start of the chord chart functions # ######################################
[docs]def moduloAB(val: float, lb: float, ub: float) -> float: """Map a real number onto the unit circle. The unit circle is identified with the interval [lb, ub), ub-lb=2*PI. Parameters ---------- val : float The value to be mapped into the unit circle. lb : float The lower boundary. ub : float The upper boundary Return ------ moduloab : float The modulo of val between lb and ub """ if lb >= ub: raise ValueError('Incorrect interval ends') y = (val - lb) % (ub - lb) moduloab = y + ub if y < 0 else y + lb return moduloab
[docs]def within_2PI(val: float) -> bool: """Check if float value is within unit circle value range. Parameters ---------- val : float The value to be tested. """ return 0 <= val < 2 * PI
[docs]def check_square_matrix(data_matrix: NDArray) -> int: """Check if the matrix is a square one. Parameters ---------- data_matrix : NDArray (2DArray) The matrix to be checked. Return ------ nb_rows : int Number of rows in this matrix. """ matrixshape = data_matrix.shape nb_rows = matrixshape[0] if len(matrixshape) > 2: raise ValueError('Data array must have only two dimensions') if nb_rows != matrixshape[1]: raise ValueError('Data array must have (n,n) shape') return nb_rows
[docs]def get_ideogram_ends( ideogram_len: NDFloat, gap: float, ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Generate ideogram ends. Paramaters ---------- ideogram_len : NDArray Length of each ideograms. gap : float Gap to add in between each ideogram. Return ------ ideo_ends : list[tuple[float]] List of start and end position for each ideograms. """ ideo_ends: list[tuple[float, float]] = [] start = 0.0 for k in range(len(ideogram_len)): end = float(start + ideogram_len[k]) ideo_ends.append((start, end)) # Increment new start by gap for next origin start = end + gap return ideo_ends
[docs]def make_ideogram_arc( radius: float, _phi: tuple[float, float], nb_points: float = 50, ) -> NDFloat: """Generate ideogran arc. Parameters ---------- radius : float The circle radius. phi : tuple[float, float] Tuple of ends angle coordinates of an arc. nb_points : float Parameter that controls the number of points to be evaluated on an arc Return ------ arc_positions : NDArray Array of 2D coorinates defining an arc. """ if not within_2PI(_phi[0]) or not within_2PI(_phi[1]): phi = [moduloAB(t, 0, 2 * PI) for t in _phi] else: phi = [t for t in _phi] length = (phi[1] - phi[0]) % (2 * PI) nr = 5 if length <= (PI / 4) else int((nb_points * length) / PI) if phi[0] < phi[1]: theta = np.linspace(phi[0], phi[1], nr) else: theta = np.linspace( moduloAB(phi[0], -PI, PI), moduloAB(phi[1], -PI, PI), nr, ) arc_positions = radius * np.exp(1j * theta) return arc_positions
[docs]def make_ribbon_ends( matrix: NDArray, row_sum: list[int], ideo_ends: list[tuple[float, float]], L: int, ) -> list[list[tuple[float, float]]]: """Generate all connecting ribbons coordinates. Parameters ---------- matrix : NDArray The data matrix. row_sum : list[int] Number of connexions in each row. ideo_ends : list[tuple[float, float]] List of start and end position for each ideograms. Returns ------- ribbon_boundary : list[list[tuple[float, float]]] Matrix of per residue ribbons start and end positions. """ ribbon_boundary: list[list[tuple[float, float]]] = [] for k, ideo_end in enumerate(ideo_ends): # Point stating coordinates of this residue ideo start = float(ideo_end[0]) # No ribbon to be formed if row_sum[k] == 0: # Add empty set of ribbons ribbon_boundary.append([(0., 0.) for i in range(len(ideo_ends))]) continue # Initiate row ribbons row_ribbon_ends: list[tuple[float, float]] = [] # Compute increment increment = (ideo_end[1] - start) / row_sum[k] # Loop over positions for j in range(1, L + 1): # Skip if no ribbon to add for this k, j pair if matrix[k][j - 1] == 0: row_ribbon_ends.append((0., 0.)) continue # Define end end = float(start + increment) # Hold data row_ribbon_ends.append((start, end)) # Set next start to current end start = end # Add full row ribbon_boundary.append(row_ribbon_ends) return ribbon_boundary
[docs]def control_pts( angle: list[float], radius: float, ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Generate control points to draw a SVGpath. Parameters ---------- angle : list[float] A list containing angular coordinates of the control points b0, b1, b2. radius : float The distance from b1 to the origin O(0,0) Returns ------- control_points : list[tuple[float, float]] The set of control points. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the number of angular coordinates is not equal to 3. """ # Check number of angular coordinates if len(angle) != 3: raise ValueError('angle must have len = 3') b_cplx = np.array([np.exp(1j * angle[k]) for k in range(3)]) # Give it its size b_cplx[1] = radius * b_cplx[1] # Generate control points as a list for two values control_points = list(zip(b_cplx.real, b_cplx.imag)) return control_points
[docs]def ctrl_rib_chords( side1: tuple[float, float], side2: tuple[float, float], radius: float, ) -> list[list[tuple[float, float]]]: """Generate poligons points aiming at drawing ribbons. Parameters ---------- side1 : tuple[float, float] List of angular variables of the ribbon arc ends defining the ribbon starting (ending) arc side2 : tuple[float, float] List of angular variables of the ribbon arc ends defining the ribbon starting (ending) arc radius : float, optional Circle radius size Returns ------- list[list[tuple[float, float]]] _description_ """ if len(side1) != 2 or len(side2) != 2: raise ValueError('the arc ends must be elements in a list of len 2') poligons = [ control_pts( [side1[j], (side1[j] + side2[j]) / 2, side2[j]], radius, ) for j in range(2) ] return poligons
[docs]def make_q_bezier(control_points: list[tuple[float, float]]) -> str: """Define the Plotly SVG path for a quadratic Bezier curve. defined by the list of its control points. Parameters ---------- control_points : list[tuple[float, float]] List of control points Return ------ svgpath : str An SVG path """ if len(control_points) != 3: raise ValueError('control poligon must have 3 points') _a, _b, _c = control_points svgpath = 'M ' + str(_a[0]) + ',' + str(_a[1]) + ' Q ' +\ str(_b[0]) + ', ' + str(_b[1]) + ' ' +\ str(_c[0]) + ', ' + str(_c[1]) return svgpath
[docs]def make_ribbon_arc(theta0: float, theta1: float) -> str: """Generate a SVGpath to draw a ribbon arc. Parameters ---------- theta0 : float Starting angle value theta1 : float Ending angle value Returns ------- string_arc : str A string representing the SVGpath of the ribbon arc. Raises ------ ValueError If provided theta0 and theta1 angles are incorrect for a ribbon. ValueError If the angle coordinates for an arc side of a ribbon are not in the appropriate range [0, 2*pi] """ if within_2PI(theta0) and within_2PI(theta1): if theta0 < theta1: theta0 = moduloAB(theta0, -PI, PI) theta1 = moduloAB(theta1, -PI, PI) if theta0 * theta1 > 0: raise ValueError('incorrect angle coordinates for ribbon') nr = int(40 * (theta0 - theta1) / PI) if nr <= 2: nr = 3 theta = np.linspace(theta0, theta1, nr) pts = np.exp(1j * theta) # points on arc in polar complex form string_arc: str = '' for k in range(len(theta)): string_arc += f'L {str(pts.real[k])}, {str(pts.imag[k])} ' return string_arc else: raise ValueError('the angle coordinates for an arc side of a ribbon ' 'must be in [0, 2*pi]')
[docs]def make_layout( title: str, plot_size: float, layout_shapes: list[dict], ) -> go.Layout: """Generate the chart layout. Parameters ---------- title : str Title to be given to the chart. plot_size : float Size of the chart. layout_shapes : list[dict] Shapes to be drawn. Returns ------- layout : go.Layout The plotly layout. """ # Set axis parameters to hide axis line, grid, ticklabels and title axis = { 'showline': False, 'zeroline': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'title': '', } # Getenate the layout layout = go.Layout( title=title, xaxis=axis, yaxis=axis, showlegend=True, # Important to show legend # legend={'font': {'size': 10}}, # Lower font size width=plot_size + 150, # +150 to accomodate legend / keep circle round height=plot_size, margin={"t": 25, "b": 25, "l": 25, "r": 25}, hovermode='closest', shapes=layout_shapes, ) return layout
[docs]def make_ideo_shape( path: str, line_color: str, fill_color: str, ) -> dict: """Generate data to draw a ideogram shape. Parameters ---------- path : str A SVGPath to be drawn. line_color : str Color of the shape boundary. fill_color : str Shape filling color fr the ribbon shape. Returns ------- dict Data enabling to draw a ideogram shape in layout. """ return { "line": {"color": line_color, "width": 0.45}, "path": path, "type": 'path', "fillcolor": fill_color, "layer": 'below', }
[docs]def make_ribbon( side1: tuple[float, float], side2: tuple[float, float], line_color: str, fill_color: str, radius: float = 0.2, ) -> dict: """Generate data to draw a ribbon. Parameters ---------- side1 : list[float] List of angular variables of first ribbon arc ends defining the ribbon starting (ending) arc. side2 : list[float] List of angular variables of the other ribbon arc ends defining the ribbon starting (ending) arc. line_color : str Color of the shape boundary. fill_color : str Shape filling color fr the ribbon shape. radius : float, optional Circle radius size, by default 0.2. Returns ------- dict Data enabling to draw a ribbon in layout. """ poligon = ctrl_rib_chords(side1, side2, radius) _b, _c = poligon # Generate the SVGpath path = make_q_bezier(_b) path += make_ribbon_arc(side2[0], side2[1]) path += make_q_bezier(_c[::-1]) path += make_ribbon_arc(side1[1], side1[0]) return { 'line': {'color': line_color, 'width': 0.5}, 'path': path, 'type': 'path', 'fillcolor': fill_color, 'layer': 'below', }
[docs]def invPerm(perm: list[int]) -> list[int]: """Generate the inverse of a permutation. Parameters ---------- perm : _type_ A permutation. Returns ------- inv : list[int] Inverse of a permutation. """ # Fill with zeros inv = [0] * len(perm) for i, s in enumerate(perm): inv[s] = i return inv
[docs]def get_chains_ideograms_ends( chains: dict[str, list[str]], gap: float = 2 * PI * 0.005, ) -> tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], NDFloat]: """Build ideogram ends to represent protein chains. Parameters ---------- chains : dict[str, list[str]] Dictionary mapping chains with their respective set of residues labels. gap : float, optional Gap between two ideograms, by default 2*PI*0.005 Returns ------- chain_ideo_ends : list[tuple[float, float]] Ideogram ends to represent protein chains. chain_ideogram_length : NDFloat """ chain_row_sum = [len(chains[chain]) for chain in sorted(chains, reverse=True)] chain_ideogram_length = 2 * PI * np.asarray(chain_row_sum) chain_ideogram_length /= sum(chain_row_sum) chain_ideogram_length -= gap * np.ones(len(chain_row_sum)) chain_ideo_ends = get_ideogram_ends(chain_ideogram_length, gap) return chain_ideo_ends, chain_ideogram_length
[docs]def get_all_ideograms_ends( chains: dict, gap: float = 2 * PI * 0.005, ) -> tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], list[tuple[float, float]]]: """Generate both chain and residues ideograms ends. Parameters ---------- chains : dict Dictionary mapping to list of residues labels. gap : float, optional Gap distance used to separate two ideograms, by default 2*PI*0.005 Returns ------- tuple[ideo_ends, chain_ideo_ends] A tuple containing residues ideo ends and chains ideo ends. ideo_ends : list[tuple[float, float]] List of residues ideograms start and ending positions. chain_ideo_ends : list[tuple[float, float]] List of chain ideograms start and ending positions. """ chain_ideo_ends, chain_ideogram_length = get_chains_ideograms_ends( chains, gap=gap, ) ideo_ends: list[tuple[float, float]] = [] left = 0 for ind, chain in enumerate(sorted(chains, reverse=True)): chain_labels = chains[chain] for _label in chain_labels: right = left + (chain_ideogram_length[ind] / len(chain_labels)) ideo_ends.append((left, right)) left = right left = right + gap return ideo_ends, chain_ideo_ends
[docs]def split_labels_by_chains(labels: list[str]) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Map each label to its chain. Parameters ---------- labels : list[str] List of residues keys. e.g.: A-SER-123 (chain A, serine 123) Returns ------- chains : dict[str, list[str]] Dictionary mapping chains with their respective set of residues labels. """ chains: dict[str, list] = {} for lab in labels: chain, resname, resid = lab.split('-') if chain not in chains.keys(): chains[chain] = [] chains[chain].append(lab) return chains
[docs]def contacts_to_connect_matrix( matrix: NDFloat, labels: list[str], ) -> list[list[int]]: """. Parameters ---------- matrix : NDFloat A square contact matrix. labels : list[str] List of labels corresponding row & columns entries. Returns ------- connect_matrix : list[list[Union[str, int]]] The connectivity matrix without self contacts. """ connect_matrix: list[list[int]] = [] for ri, label_i in enumerate(labels): # Point label chain name chain1 = label_i.split('-')[0] new_contact_mat_row: list[int] = [] # Loop over columns for ci, label_j in enumerate(labels): # Point label chain name chain2 = label_j.split('-')[0] if chain1 != chain2 and matrix[ri, ci] == 1: interaction = 1 else: interaction = 0 new_contact_mat_row.append(interaction) # Hold row connect_matrix.append(new_contact_mat_row) return connect_matrix
[docs]def to_nice_label(label: str) -> str: """Convert a label into a user friendly label. Parameters ---------- label : str Label name as found in csv Returns ------- nicelabel : str User friendly description of the label. """ slabel = label.split('-') nicelabel = f"Chain {slabel[0]}, residue {slabel[2]} {slabel[1]}" return nicelabel
[docs]def to_color_weight( distance: float, max_dist: float, min_dist: float = 2., min_weight: float = 0.2, max_weight: float = 0.90, ) -> float: """Compute color weight based on distance. Parameters ---------- distance : float The distance to weight. max_dist : float The max distance observed in the dataset. min_dist : float, optional The minumu, distance observed in the dataset, by default 2. min_weight : float, optional Color wight for the maximum distance, by default 0.2 max_weight : float, optional Color wight for the minimum distance, by default 0.90 Returns ------- weight : float The color weight. in range [min_weight, max_weight] """ # Scale dist into minimum dist = max(distance, min_dist) # Compute probability probability_dist = (dist - min_dist) / (max_dist - min_dist) # Obtain corresponding weight weight = ((min_weight - max_weight) * probability_dist) + max_weight # Return rounded value of weight return round(weight, 2)
[docs]def to_rgba_color_string( connect_color: tuple[int, int, int], alpha: float, ) -> str: """Generate a rgba string from list of colors and alpha. Parameters ---------- connect_color : list[int] A 3-values list of integers defining the red, green and blue colors. alpha : float color_weight Returns ------- rgba_color : str The html like rgba colors. e.g.: 'rgba(123, 123, 123, 0.5)' """ colors_str = ",".join([str(v) for v in connect_color]) rgba_color = f'rgba({colors_str},{alpha})' return rgba_color
[docs]def to_full_matrix( half_matrix: list[Union[int, float, str]], diag_val: Union[int, float, str], ) -> NDArray: """Generate a full matrix from a half matrix. Parameters ---------- half_matrix : list[Any] Values of the N*(N-1)/2 half matrix. diag_val : Any Value to be placed in diagonal of the full matrix. Returns ------- matrix : NDArry The reconstituted full matrix. """ # Genereate full matrix from N*(N-1)/2 vector matrix = squareform(half_matrix) # Update diagonal with data np.fill_diagonal(matrix, diag_val) return matrix
[docs]def make_chordchart( _contact_matrix: list[list[int]], _dist_matrix: list[list[float]], _interttype_matrix: list[list[str]], _labels: list[str], gap: float = 2 * PI * 0.005, output_fpath: Union[str, Path] = 'chordchart.html', title: str = 'Chord diagram', offline: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, Path]: """Generate a plotly chordchart graph. Parameters ---------- _contact_matrix : list[list[int]] The contact matrix _dist_matrix : list[list[float]] The distance matrix _interttype_matrix : list[list[str]] The interaction type matrix _labels : list[str] Labels of each matrix rows (and columns as supposed to be symetric) gap : float, optional Gap between two ideograms, by default 2*PI*0.005 output_fpath : Union[str, Path], optional Path to the output file, by default 'chordchart.html' title : str, optional Title to give to the diagram, by default 'Chord diagram' Returns ------- output_fpath : Union[str, Path] Path to the genereated output file. """ # Unpack matrices contact_matrix = contacts_to_connect_matrix(_contact_matrix, _labels) # Reverse data order so later graph displayed clockwise matrix = np.array([ri[::-1] for ri in contact_matrix[::-1]]) dist_matrix = [ri[::-1] for ri in _dist_matrix[::-1]] interttype_matrix = [ri[::-1] for ri in _interttype_matrix[::-1]] labels = _labels[::-1] # Check matrix shape L = check_square_matrix(matrix) # Map labels into respective chains chains = split_labels_by_chains(labels) # Set matrix of indices idx_sort = [list(range(L)) for i in range(L)] # Compute residues and chain ideograms positions ideo_ends, chain_ideo_ends = get_all_ideograms_ends(chains, gap=gap) # Compute number of connexion per residues row_sum = [np.sum(matrix[k, :]) for k in range(L)] # Compute connexion ribbons positions ribbon_ends = make_ribbon_ends(matrix, row_sum, ideo_ends, L) # Initiate shape holder layout_shapes: list[dict] = [] # Initiate ribbon info holder ribbon_info: list[go.Scatter] = [] # Loop over entries for k, label1 in enumerate(labels): sigma = idx_sort[k] sigma_inv = invPerm(sigma) # Half matrix loop to avoid duplicates for j in range(k, L): # No data to draw if matrix[k][j] == 0 and matrix[j][k] == 0: continue # Obtain ribbon color for this interaction type try: connect_color = CONNECT_COLORS[interttype_matrix[k][j]] except KeyError: connect_color = (123, 123, 123) color_weight = to_color_weight(dist_matrix[k][j], 9.5) rgba_color = to_rgba_color_string(connect_color, color_weight) # Point ribbons data side1 = ribbon_ends[k][sigma_inv[j]] eta = idx_sort[j] eta_inv = invPerm(eta) side2 = ribbon_ends[j][eta_inv[k]] zi = 0.9 * np.exp(1j * (side1[0] + side1[1]) / 2) zf = 0.9 * np.exp(1j * (side2[0] + side2[1]) / 2) # reverse interaction type for second label s_intertype = interttype_matrix[k][j].split('-') rev_s_intertype = s_intertype[::-1] rev_interttype = '-'.join(rev_s_intertype) # Obtain nice labels nicelabel1 = to_nice_label(label1) nicelabel2 = to_nice_label(labels[j]) # texti and textf are the strings that will be displayed when # hovering the mouse over the two ribbon ends texti = f'{nicelabel1} {rev_interttype} with {nicelabel2}' textf = f'{nicelabel2} {interttype_matrix[j][k]} with {nicelabel1}' # noqa : E501 # Generate interactive labels for zv, text in zip([zi, zf], [texti, textf]): # Generate ribbon info ribbon_info.append( go.Scatter( x=[zv.real], y=[zv.imag], mode='markers', marker={"size": 0.5, "color": rgba_color}, text=text, hoverinfo='text', showlegend=False, ) ) # Note: must reverse these arc ends to avoid twisted ribbon side2_rev = (side2[1], side2[0]) # Append the ribbon shape layout_shapes.append( make_ribbon( side1, side2_rev, 'rgba(175,175,175)', rgba_color, ) ) ideograms: list[go.Scatter] = [] # Draw ideograms for residues for k, label in enumerate(labels): z = make_ideogram_arc(1.1, ideo_ends[k]) zi = make_ideogram_arc(1.0, ideo_ends[k]) # Point residue name resname = label.split('-')[2] # Point corresponding color try: rescolor = AA_DNA_RNA_COLORS[resname.strip()] except KeyError: rescolor = 'rgba(123, 123, 123, 0.7)' # Build textual info text_info = f'{to_nice_label(label)}<br>' if row_sum[k] == 0: text_info += 'No interaction' else: text_info += f'Total of {row_sum[k]:d} interaction' if row_sum[k] >= 2: text_info += 's' # Add info ideograms.append( go.Scatter( x=z.real, y=z.imag, mode='lines', line={ "color": rescolor, "shape": 'spline', "width": 0.25, }, text=text_info, hoverinfo='text', showlegend=False, ) ) # Build corresponding SVG path m = len(z) svgpath = 'M ' for s in range(m): svgpath += f'{str(z.real[s])}, {str(z.imag[s])} L ' Zi = np.array(zi.tolist()[::-1]) for s in range(m): svgpath += f'{str(Zi.real[s])}, {str(Zi.imag[s])} L ' svgpath += f'{str(z.real[0])}, {str(z.imag[0])}' # Hold it layout_shapes.append( make_ideo_shape( svgpath, 'rgba(150,150,150)', rescolor, ) ) # Draw ideograms for chains for k, chainid in enumerate(sorted(chains, reverse=True)): z = make_ideogram_arc(1.2, chain_ideo_ends[k]) zi = make_ideogram_arc(1.11, chain_ideo_ends[k]) m = len(z) ideograms.append( go.Scatter( x=z.real, y=z.imag, mode='lines', line={ "color": CHAIN_COLORS[k], "shape": 'spline', "width": 0.25, }, text=f'Chain {chainid}', hoverinfo='text', showlegend=False, ) ) # Build corresponding SVG path svgpath = 'M ' for s in range(m): svgpath += f'{str(z.real[s])}, {str(z.imag[s])} L ' Zi = np.array(zi.tolist()[::-1]) for s in range(m): svgpath += f'{str(Zi.real[s])}, {str(Zi.imag[s])} L ' svgpath += f'{str(z.real[0])}, {str(z.imag[0])}' layout_shapes.append( make_ideo_shape( svgpath, 'rgba(150,150,150)', CHAIN_COLORS[k], ) ) # Compute figure size fig_size = 100 * np.log(L * L) # Create plotly layout layout = make_layout(title, fig_size, layout_shapes) # combine all data info data = ideograms + ribbon_info # Generate the figure fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # Fine tune figure fig.update_layout( plot_bgcolor='white', ) # Add legend(s) add_chordchart_legends(fig) # Write it as html file fig_to_html( fig, output_fpath, figure_height=fig_size, figure_width=fig_size, offline=offline, ) return output_fpath
[docs]def add_chordchart_legends(fig: go.Figure) -> None: """Add custom legend to chordchart. Parameters ---------- fig : go.Figure A plotly figure. """ # Add connection types legends for key_key, color in REVERSED_CONNECT_COLORS_KEYS.items(): # Create dummy traces fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], legendgroup="connect_color", legendgrouptitle_text="Interaction types", showlegend=True, name=key_key.replace('-', '&#8621;'), mode="lines", marker={ "color": to_rgba_color_string(color, 0.75), "size": 10, "symbol": "line-ew-open", }, ) ) # Add unknown interaction type fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], legendgroup="connect_color", legendgrouptitle_text="Interaction types", showlegend=True, name="Unknown", mode="lines", marker={ "color": to_rgba_color_string((111, 111, 111), 0.75), "size": 10, "symbol": "line-ew-open", }, ) ) # Add aa types legend for aa, rgba_color in RESIDUES_COLORS.items(): # Create dummy traces fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], legendgroup="aa_color", legendgrouptitle_text="Residues/Bases", showlegend=True, name=aa, mode="lines", marker={ "color": rgba_color, "size": 10, "symbol": "line-ew-open", }, ) ) # Add nucleobases legend for na, rgba_color in DNARNA_COLORS.items(): # Create dummy traces fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], legendgroup="aa_color", legendgrouptitle_text="Residues/Bases", showlegend=True, name=na, mode="lines", marker={ "color": rgba_color, "size": 10, "symbol": "line-ew-open", }, ) ) # Add unknown type fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], legendgroup="aa_color", legendgrouptitle_text="Residues/Bases", showlegend=True, name="Unknown", mode="lines", marker={ "color": to_rgba_color_string((111, 111, 111), 0.75), "size": 10, "symbol": "line-ew-open", }, ) )
[docs]def tsv_to_chordchart( tsv_path: Path, sep: str = '\t', data_key: str = 'ca-ca-dist', contact_threshold: float = 7.5, filter_intermolecular_contacts: bool = True, output_fname: Union[Path, str] = 'contacts_chordchart.html', title: str = 'Chord diagram', offline: bool = False, ) -> Union[Path, str]: """Read a tsv file and generate a chord diagram from it. Paramters --------- tsv_path : Path Path a the .tsv file containing contact data. sep : str Separator character used to split data in each line. data_key : str Data key used to draw the plot. contact_threshold : float Upper boundary of maximum value to be plotted. any value above it will be set to this value. output_fname : Union[Path, str] Path where to generate the graph. title : str Title to give to the Chord diagram Return ------ chord_chart_fpath : Union[Path, str] Path to the generated graph """ # Initiate holders half_contact_matrix: list[int] = [] half_value_matrix: list[float] = [] half_intertype_matrix: list[str] = [] labels: list[str] = [] header: Union[bool, list[str]] = None # Read tsv file with open(tsv_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: # skip commented lines if line.startswith('#'): continue # split line s_ = line.strip().split(sep) # gather header if not header: header = s_ continue # point labels label1 = s_[header.index('res1')] label2 = s_[header.index('res2')] # Add them to set of labels if label1 not in labels: labels.append(label1) if label2 not in labels: labels.append(label2) # point data value = float(s_[header.index(data_key)]) # check if in contact contact = 1 if value <= contact_threshold else 0 # Point interaction type inter_type = s_[header.index('contact-type')] # add it to matrix half_contact_matrix.append(contact) half_value_matrix.append(value) half_intertype_matrix.append(inter_type) # Genereate full matrices contact_matrix = to_full_matrix(half_contact_matrix, 1) dist_matrix = to_full_matrix(half_value_matrix, 0.) intertype_matrix = to_full_matrix(half_intertype_matrix, 'self-self') # Check if must get only the intermolecular contacts submatrix if filter_intermolecular_contacts: # Filter positions where: intermolecular contacts + dist <= threshold intmol_cont_labels: list[str] = [] for ri, label1 in enumerate(labels): label1_chain = label1.split('-')[0] for ci, label2 in enumerate(labels): label2_chain = label2.split('-')[0] # Skip same chains if label1_chain == label2_chain: continue # Check contacts if contact_matrix[ri, ci] == 1: intmol_cont_labels += [label1, label2] # Obtain sorted subset nodoubles_intmol_cont_labels = list(set(intmol_cont_labels)) sorted_intmol_cont_labels = sorted( nodoubles_intmol_cont_labels, key=lambda k: labels.index(k), ) # Get indices to be extracted sorted_indices = [labels.index(k) for k in sorted_intmol_cont_labels] # Get submatrix contact_submatrix = extract_submatrix(contact_matrix, sorted_indices) dist_submatrix = extract_submatrix(dist_matrix, sorted_indices) intert_submatrix = extract_submatrix(intertype_matrix, sorted_indices) sublabels = sorted_intmol_cont_labels else: contact_submatrix = contact_matrix dist_submatrix = dist_matrix intert_submatrix = intertype_matrix sublabels = labels # Generate chord chart chord_chart_fpath = make_chordchart( contact_submatrix, dist_submatrix, intert_submatrix, sublabels, output_fpath=output_fname, title=title, offline=offline, ) return chord_chart_fpath